抗COVID-19 mRNAワクチンによって産生されたmRNAおよびスパイクの排出に関する現在の知見;これらの製品による接種者の周囲の人々への汚染の可能性
Current state of knowledge on the excretion of mRNA and spike produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; possibility of contamination of the entourage of those vaccinated by these products
Received: 11 October 2022; Accepted: 07 November 2022;
Helene Banoun1*
1Pharmacist biologist, Former Inserm researcher, Member of the Independent Scientific Council, Marseille 13000, Franc
The massive COVID-19 vaccination campaign is the first time that mRNA vaccines have been used on a global scale. The mRNA vaccines correspond exactly to the definition of gene therapy of the American and European regulatory agencies. The regulations require excretion studies of these drugs and their products (the translated proteins). These studies have not been done for mRNA vaccines (nor for adenovirus vaccines). There are numerous reports of symptoms and pathologies identical to the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines in unvaccinated persons in contact with freshly vaccinated persons. It is therefore important to review the state of knowledge on the possible excretion of vaccine nanoparticles as well as mRNA and its product, the spike protein. It is therefore important to review the state of knowledge on the possible excretion of vaccine nanoparticles as well as mRNA and its product, the spike protein.
Vaccine mRNA-carrying lipid nanoparticles spread after injection throughout the body according to available animal studies and vaccine mRNA (naked or in nanoparticles or in natural exosomes) is found in the bloodstream as well as vaccine spike in free form or encapsulated in exosomes (shown in human studies). Lipid nanoparticles (or their natural equivalent, exosomes or extracellular vesicles (EVs)) have been shown to be able to be excreted through body fluids (sweat, sputum, breast milk) and to pass the transplacental barrier. These EVs are also able to penetrate by inhalation and through the skin (healthy or injured) as well as orally through breast milk (and why not during sexual intercourse through semen, as this has not been studied).
It is urgent to enforce the legislation on gene therapy that applies to mRNA vaccines and to carry out studies on this subject while the generalization of mRNA vaccines is being considered
Why are we interested in this hypothesis, which may seem conspiracist? The expression “vaccine shedding” classically refers to the possible excretion of a virus by a person who has been freshly vaccinated against that virus; this is valid only for live attenuated virus vaccines (measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), chickenpox, rotavirus, nasal spray influenza).
なぜ私たちは、陰謀論めいたこの仮説に関心を持っているのでしょうか? 「ワクチン・シェディング」という表現は、一般的に、ワクチン接種を受けたばかりの人がウイルスを排出する可能性を指します。これは弱毒生ウイルスワクチン(麻疹・おたふく風邪・風疹(MMR)、水痘、ロタウイルス、鼻腔噴霧インフルエンザ)のみに当てはまります。
No COVID-19 vaccine uses this formula. Therefore, there is no risk that a vaccine recipient will transmit a vaccine virus. However, mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines are the first to be used commercially in humans on a global scale and no studies have been conducted regarding the possible excretion of the vaccine itself (lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA) of the vaccine mRNA or of the vaccine product, the spike protein translated by the cells of the vaccinee.
The COVID vaccination started in December 2020. The first published testimony of vaccine shedding that I saw dates from December 2021 and is that of Dr Ray Sahelian [1]: he reported cases of medical or scientific colleagues who had observed symptoms close to those of the adverse effects of the vaccine after having been in contact with freshly vaccinated persons; he proposed an excretion of the products of the vaccine by the skin and the respiratory tract and asked for complementary studies.
At the beginning, this type of testimony did not seem very credible to me, but they accumulated and in October 2021, I received a testimony from a group of French caregivers: they observed a stroke in a 7-year-old child with no risk factors and whose parents had been freshly vaccinated. There are Telegram groups listing testimonies from patients and doctors. All of these testimonials report symptoms or conditions reported in the COVD-19 vaccine adverse event databases : the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are now recognized by regulatory agencies (see VAERS and Eudravigilance databases, as well as the ANSM, France).
The vaccines are all based on the spike protein, which has since been recognized as the main responsible for the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 [2-6]. Therefore, in the event that the vaccine or its product (the spike) passes from vaccinated to unvaccinated, the adverse effects of the vaccine should be found in some unvaccinated people in contact with vaccinated people. The exploration of vaccine-related pathologies in non-vaccinated age groups in contact with vaccinated people could give indications in the sense of vaccine shedding, but it does not give significant results (unpublished). As there are more than 400 pathologies related to adverse vaccine reactions in the pharmacovigilance reporting databases (see for example, the UK data, spontaneous notification data for Pfizer vaccine in May 2021 [7]), this large number dilutes the signals that could appear in non-vaccinated age groups.
On the other hand, an analysis of European, Israeli and US data shows that for the non-vaccinated 0-14 age group, most of the associations between mortality and vaccination in adults are positive: the excess mortality in non-vaccinated age groups when vaccination campaigns begin could be explained by a transmission phenomenon of the vaccine or its products. This pattern of positive correlations increases from the week of vaccination to week 18 after vaccination and then disappears. It indicates indirect negative effects of adult vaccination on mortality in children aged 0-14 years during the first 18 weeks after vaccination [8].
(PDF) COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk (researchgate.net)
The mRNA vaccines correspond exactly to the definition of gene therapy of the American and European regulatory agencies. The regulations require excretion studies of these drugs and their products (the translated proteins).
*薬物動態学と薬力学: mRNAワクチンが体内でどのように吸収、分布、代謝、排泄されるかを理解するために、包括的な薬物動態学(PK)研究が必要です。
*毒性学研究: 臨床試験前に、mRNAやタンパク質の排泄に関連する潜在的な有害効果を評価するための前臨床毒性学研究が行われます。
*規制ガイドライン: FDAやEMAは、排泄研究のための具体的なガイドラインを提供しています。
*環境影響評価: mRNAワクチンの環境への影響についての評価が求められることがあります。
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