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November 28, 2005


Sensory and affective pain discrimination after inhalation of essential oils.


discrimination :識別、区別


1: Psychosom Med. 2004 Jul-Aug;66(4):599-606.

Gedney JJ, Glover TL, Fillingim RB.

Division of Public Health Services and Research, University of Florida College of Dentistry, Gainesville, FL, USA.

Dentistry :歯科

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of olfactory absorption of two commonly used therapeutic essential oils on sensory and affective responses to experimentally induced pain.



METHODS: A sex-balanced (13 men and 13 women) randomized crossover design was used to obtain pre- and posttreatment change scores for quantitative sensory ratings of contact heat, pressure, and ischemic pain across separate inhalation treatment conditions using essential oil of lavender, essential oil of rosemary, and distilled water (control).



randomized crossover design :無作為クロスオバー計画
pre- and posttreatment :事前および事後治療
ischemic pain :虚血性疼痛

Subjective reports of treatment-related changes in pain intensity and pain unpleasantness were obtained for each condition using a visual analog scale. We interpret our findings with respect to the separate dimensions of sensory and affective processing of pain.


pain intensity:疼痛度合
pain unpleasantness:疼痛の不快
visual analog scale:視覚的アナログ評価スケール

RESULTS: Analyses revealed the absence of changes in quantitative pain sensitivity ratings between conditions. However, retrospectively, subjects' global impression of treatment outcome indicated that both pain intensity and pain unpleasantness were reduced after treatment with lavender and marginally reduced after treatment with rosemary, compared with the control condition.


分析は症状間の量的な疼痛感受性評価賭における変化の欠落を明らかにしました。 しかし、回顧的に、治療結果への対象の全体的な印象は、疼痛度合いおよび疼痛の不快感両方が、対照の症状に比べて、ラベンダーでの治療後減少して、ローズマリー治療後わずかに減少したのを示しました。

CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that aromatherapy may not elicit a direct analgesic effect but instead may alter affective appraisal of the experience and consequent retrospective evaluation of treatment-related pain.





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