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March 27, 2006


The essential oils from Zanthoxylum schinifolium pericarp induce apoptosis of HepG2 human hepatoma cells through increased production of reactive oxygen species.


Zanthoxylum schinifolium:イヌザンショウ、ミカン科
apoptosis :細胞自然死、アポトーシス
reactive oxygen species:活性酸素種
hepatoma cells:ヒト肝細胞癌細胞
reactive oxygen species:活性酸素種


1: Biol Pharm Bull. 2005 May;28(5):802-7.

Paik SY, Koh KH, Beak SM, Paek SH, Kim JA.

College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul 137-701, Korea.

The volatile extract from dried pericarp of Zanthoxylum schinifolium that was obtained by simultaneous distillation with dichloromethane and water was composed of 29.9% geranyl acetate, 15.8% citronella, 15.4% sabinene and the minor volatile components included beta-myrcene, linalool, (-)-isopulegol, citronellyl acetate, 1,4-dimethyl pyrazole, alpha-terpinene, 3-methyl-6-(1-methylethyl)-2-cyclo-hexene-1-o1 and trans-geraniol.

ジクロロメタンおよび水で同時蒸留によって得られたイヌザンンショウの乾燥果皮からの揮発性抽出物の組成は、酢酸ゲラニル(29.9%)、シトロネラ(15.8%)、サビネン(15.4%)および少量芳香成分としてはβ―ミルセン、リナロール、(-)-イソプレゴール、酢酸シトロネリル、1,4-ジメチル ピラゾール、α-ピネン、3-メチル-6--(1-メチルエチル ) -2-シクロ-ヘキセン-1-o1およびトランスーゲラニオールである。

methylethyl :メチルエチル
Isopulegol イソプレ ゴール
Citronellyl Acetate:酢酸シトロネリル
dichloromethane :ジクロロメタン、塩化メチレン
dimethyl pyrazole ジメチル ピラゾール
methyl :メチル、メチル基
methylethyl :メチルエチル

The volatile extract decreased the cell viability and induced apoptotic death in HepG2 human hepatoma cells in a concentration- and time-related manner. In addition, the volatile extract increased the production of reactive oxygen species in a dose-dependent manner.


cell viability :細胞の生存

Pretreatment of the cells with Trolox, a well-known antioxidant, significantly suppressed the generation of reactive oxygen species and cell death induced by the extract.


Trolox:トロロックス=ビタミンEの類似体で抗酸化力を測る際の比較対照 として使用される

However, caspase-3 activity was not changed in the extract-treated cells, suggesting that the extract-induced apoptosis of HepG2 cells is caspase-3 independent.



Furthermore, in nude mice inoculated with Huh-7 human hepatoma cells, the extract significantly inhibited tumor development. These results suggest that the volatile extract from Zanthoxylum schinifolium pericarpium is a good candidate for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) therapy and that reactive oxygen species are the key signaling molecules in the volatile extract-induced cell death in HepG2 cells.


hepatocellular carcinoma 肝細胞癌
reactive oxygen species 活性酸素種
signaling molecules シグナル伝達分子

PMID: 15863882 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




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