Study: Flowers have an impact on emotional state
Researchers see happy effect for all
time in the spring that see and smell chrysanthemums and say, 'This reminds me of when I was a kid,'" Weber said. "They really have a tendency to trigger memory."
「キクを鑑賞して匂いを嗅ぐと言う春の時期、'これは子供の頃を思い出せます。」と、Weberは述べました。 「それらは記憶の引き金になることが本当に多いです。」
Growing Grounds Farms in San Luis Obispo has also found that flowers have healing powers.
また、San Luis ObispoのGrowing Grounds Farmsが花にはヒーリングパワーがあることを発見した。
"Flowers are great for people," said Craig Wilson, program manager at Growing Grounds Farms. "In general, just the exposure to growing a plant or nurturing a plant is what's important."
「花は人々にとって素晴らしいものであります。」とGrowing Grounds Farmsのプログラム・マネージャーCraig Wilsonは述べた。「一般に、植物を育てること、または植物を育成することへの関与は重要なことです。」
Growing Grounds Farm, run by the nonprofit organization Transitions Mental Health Association, operates a 7-acre farm and nursery. The farm employs mentally ill adults who work on the farm as a form of therapy.
NPOのTransitions Mental Health Associationよって運営されているGrowing Grounds Farmは、7エーカーの農場と苗床を経営しています。農場は療法の形として農場で働く精神的疾患の成人を雇用します。
"For a lot of our folks here, it's their first opportunity to nurture a living thing," he said. "And the bloom on the plant is an added bonus."
「ここの多くの人々にとって、生き物を育てることは初めての機会です。」と、彼は述べました。 「そして、植物の開花は付け加えられた特別な手当てです。」
Haviland-Jones said the lab is broadening its studies to continue discovering the marvel of flowers.
"What we're arguing now is that flowers are equivalent to the companion of an animal," she said.
She also said the team is looking into the theory that flowers have co-evolved with humans.
In nature, flowers have always been able to attract pollinators, such as bees, and have evolved to make sure they continue to receive the help of pollinators by changing chemically, using colors and fragrance.
pollinator :送粉者、受粉媒介者、花粉を運ぶ動物(昆虫、ほ乳類、鳥類など)
What Haviland-Jones would like to prove is that flowers have now evolved to snag the attention of humans.
"Some flowers have decided to specialize in us," she said. "Their color spectrum, symmetry and their odor is meant to be attractive to us, which makes us believe that some flowers have co-evolved with us as their primary pollinator.
「一部の花は私たちに専門的に扱うこと決めました。」と、彼女述べました。 「それらの色のスペクトル、相称、およびそれらの匂いが私たちにとって魅力的であることが意味されます。そのことは一部の花が第一の受粉媒介者として人間とともに進化したことを私たちに信じさせます。」
"We help them with their survival, and they help us with mood maintenance."
Increase energy with red roses | Because red has the slowest vibratory rate and longest wavelength, it stimulates adrenal glands, boosting energy.
longest wavelength:長波長
Enhance alertness with sunflowers | Yellow light waves stimulate the brain, making one alert, clearheaded and decisive. And because people generally associate yellow with the sun's rays and daylight, it's said to help people feel more optimistic.
黄色の光波は脳を刺激し、覚醒させて、頭がさえて決断力がつきます。 そして、人々が一般に黄色と太陽の光および日光に関連づけているので、人々が、より楽観的であると感じるのを助けると言われています。
Relax with bells of Ireland | Green affects the nervous system, allowing people to breathe slowly and deeply, slowing the production of stress hormones and helping the heart relax.
bells of Ireland :カイガラサルビア
Boost confidence with irises | The color indigo stimulates the brain's pineal gland, which is the regulator of sleep patterns. Indigo also helps to free the mind of worries, fears and inhibitions.
indigo :インディゴの、藍色の
Get a good night's sleep with delphinium | Blue triggers the production of melatonin, a brain chemical that helps with relaxation and sleep. Blue also stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroxin, a hormone that regulates metabolic rate.
delphinium :ヒエンソウ
thyroxine :チロキシン、サイロキシン◆甲状腺ホルモンの一種
Prevent allergies with orange daisies | Orange strengthens the immune system and the lungs, which can ward off spring allergies. Orange also has a strong beneficial effect on the digestive system and can stimulate the sexual organs.
Relieve stress with lilacs | Violet has a cooling effect, alleviating "hot" conditions such as heat rash and sunburn, and suppressing hunger and balancing metabolism. It also stimulates the pituitary gland, the part of the brain that releases tension-fighting beta-endorphins.