June 12, 2006 - Want a big fat belly? Eat lots of trans fats.
Trans fats make you fatter than other foods with the same number of calories -- but that's not all. Researchers at Wake Forest University find that trans fats increase the amount of fat around the belly. They do this not just by adding new fat, but also by moving fat from other areas to the belly.
トランス脂肪は同じカロリー数で他の食物より太りますがそれで全てではないです。ノースカロライナ州、Wake Forest Universityの研究者はトランス脂肪がお腹周りの脂肪量を増加させることを解明しています。トランス脂肪は新たな脂肪を増やすばかりでなくて、また、他の部位の脂肪をお腹に移動させます。
"Trans fat is worse than anticipated," Wake Forest researcher Lawrence L. Rudel, PhD, says in a news release. "Diets rich in trans fat cause a redistribution of fat tissue into the abdomen and lead to a higher body weight even when the total dietary calories are controlled."
「トランス脂肪は予期していたより悪者です。」とWake Forest研究者のLawrence L. Rudel, PhD,博士はプレス発表で述べています。「トランス脂肪豊富なダイエットは脂肪組織をお腹に再分配をさせて、総ダイエットカロリー制限されている時でさえ高体重に導きます。」
Rudel colleague Kylie Kavanagh, DVM, reported the findings at this week's annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association in Washington.
RudelらKylie Kavanagh, DVMは今週のワシントンで米国糖尿病協会年次総会で調査結果を報告しました。
In the study, researchers fed 51 male vervet monkeys a western-style diet -- that is, 35% of their diet was fat. Half the monkeys got a lot of trans fat, totaling 8% of their diet. The other monkeys were fed unsaturated fats such as olive oil.
Both types of diets were calorie-controlled. In theory, the monkeys should not have gained weight.
But they did.
Over six years -- what would, in humans, be a 20-year span -- the monkeys who ate unsaturated fats upped their body weight by 1.8%.
Those fed trans fats packed on 7.2%. In humans, that would be enough weight gain to significantly increase risk of diabetes and heart disease.
"Trans fatty acid consumption increases weight gain," Kavanagh says in a news release. "In the world of diabetes, everybody knows that just 5% weight loss makes enormous difference. This little difference [of weight gain seen in the study] was biologically quite significant."
「トランス脂肪酸消費は体重を増加させます。」と、Kavanaghはニュースリリースで述べています。 「糖尿病の世界では、みんなが、ちょうど5%減量は多大な違いをもたらすことを知っています。」 「研究でみられた体重増」のこの少ない違いが生物学的にかなり重要でした。」
Trans fats are found in vegetable shortenings, some kinds of margarine, and in manufactured baked goods such as cookies, crackers, and snack foods. A major source of trans fat in American diets is fast food fried in the stuff.
トランス脂肪は野菜ショートニング、数種類のマーガリン、およびクッキー、クラッカー、スナックなどの工場製造焼き菓子にみられます。 米国ダイエットの主要なトランス脂肪の源は揚げ物のファーストフードです。