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July 04, 2006


A glass of pomegranate juice may reduce the risk of prostate cancer, according to a new study


A new study suggests that a drinking a glass of pomegranate juice may reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer.


Researchers from the University of California, gave the juice to 50 men who had undergone treatment for prostate cancer, but who had shown signs of relapse.


relapse :再発

During the process, the team would measure the mens blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a common indicator of the presence of prostate cancer cells.


prostate specific antigen:PSA:前立腺特異抗原

The study found that it took 54 months for the a doubling of PSA levels in the men who drank the beverage, compared to 15 months for men who did not drink pomegranate juice.


"I was surprised when I saw such an improvement in PSA numbers," lead researcher Dr. Allan Pawtuck told the BBC. He said pomegranate juice "may be able to prevent or delay the need for other therapies usually used in this population, such as hormone treatment or chemotherapy."


The researchers noted that they are unsure what the ingredient is which slows cancer progression.




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