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July 22, 2006


Lipolytic effects of citrus peel oils and their components


lipolytic effects :脂肪分解作用


1: J Agric Food Chem. 2006 May 3;54(9):3254-8

Choi HS.

Department of Food and Nutrition, Duksung Women's University, 419 Ssangmun-dong, Tobong-gu 132-714 Seoul, South Korea. hschoi@duksung.ac.kr

This study was conducted to determine the lipolytic effects of eight kinds of citrus peel oils and their components. All of the citrus peel oils revealed lipolytic effects on olive oil model solution ranging from 10.9 to 73.8%.

本研究は、8種類の柑橘系果皮精油およびその成分の脂肪分解作用を決定するために行われた。 全ての柑橘系精油は、10.9%から73.8%までの範囲でオリーブオイルモデル溶液における脂肪分解作用を明らかにした。

Hakyul (Citrus natsudaidai Hayata) showed the highest lipolytic effect (73.8%), followed by yuza (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka, 68.1%) and lemon (Citrus limonium, 63.4%), and their effects were comparable with or stronger than that of 5 mM raspberry ketone (p < 0.05).

ナツミカンは最高の脂肪分解作用(73.8%)を示し、続いてユズおよびレモンで、その作用は5 mMのラズベリーケトン(p < 0.05)脂肪分解作用と同程度またはそれ以上強力であった。

Citrus natsudaidai Hayata. :ナツミカン
be comparable with :同程度の

Among 17 authentic compounds relating to citrus peel oils, octanal (78.6%) showed the highest lipolytic effect, followed by gamma-terpinene (76.3%), limonene (75%), terpinen-4-ol (70.7%), nerol (69.9%), p-cymene (67.7%), and geranyl acetate (67.2%), and their effects were stronger than that of 5 mM raspberry ketone (p < 0.05). Ethyl acetate, alpha-pinene, myrcene, citronellal, linallyl acetate, and citronellol exhibited poor lipolytic effect in the model solution.

柑橘系果皮精油に関連する17の真の化合物の中で、オクタナールが最高の脂肪分解作用を示して、続いて、γ-テルピネン(76.3%)、リモネ(75%), テルピネン-4-ol (70.7%), ネロール (69.9%), パラシメン (67.7%), および酢酸ゲラニル (67.2%)で、その作用は5 mMのラズベリーケトン(p < 0.05)の脂肪分解作用より強かった。酢酸エチル、α-ピネン、ミルセンおよびシトロネラールはモデル溶液で脂肪分解作用は弱かった。


Lipolytic effect was found to be high when the oils included a higher content of gamma-terpinene and p-cymene. Limonene showed potential lipolytic effect, and its effect is likely to be enhanced by the presence of gamma-terpinene and p-cymene. It is considered that monoterpene hydrocarbons consisting of one or two double bonds would have stronger lipolytic effect than those having three double bonds.


monoterpene hydrocarbons モノテルペン系炭化水素類

PMID: 16637681 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



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Posted by: takako | July 22, 2006 10:05 PM

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