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July 10, 2006

癌および癌治療への東洋医学的視点(3) 解毒療法


癌および癌治療への東洋医学的視点(3) 解毒療法



An example of an herb used to counteract toxins is sophora root. There are two species used. One is from Sophora flavescens, called kushen by the Chinese, meaning the bitter root of miraculous effect (in comparison to the relatively sweet root of miraculous effect, renshen: ginseng). It contains alkaloids of the matrine series, which, in laboratory mice, have been shown to inhibit the growth of sarcoma-180 (a cancer strain commonly used in experiments). The therapeutic index of the sophora root is 7.8 times higher than a common chemotherapuetic agent called mitomycin C (meaning that it takes 7.8 times as much of the latter to have the same effect).

解毒に使用されている薬草の例として苦参 (クララ)の根茎があります。2種類が使用されています。一つは、漢方で苦参(くじん)と呼ばれているSophora flavescens,よりのもので、苦参は奇跡的な効果がある苦い根茎を意味します。(比較的甘い根の奇跡的効果の朝鮮人参)。マトリンシリーズのアルカロイドを含有し、研究室のマウス実験では、Sarcoma-180(実験で通常使用される癌細胞株)腫瘍細胞増殖の阻害することを示した。

counteract :~を無効{にする、妨げる、中和する、~の影響を弱める
Sophora flavescens:苦参(クララ)
chemotherapuetic agent:抗がん剤
Mitomycin C;マイトマイシン C.(抗がん剤)

Sophora is used clinically to treat a wide range of ailments, but in terms of its purported "antitoxin" action, it is used to treat dysentery, parasites (trichomoniasis), skin diseases, acute hepatitis, and chronic bronchitis. It is also applied topically with good effect for vaginal trichomonas and for Mycobacterium leprae, the organism that causes leprosy. The other species is Sophora subprostrata, called shandougen by the Chinese, meaning the root of the mountain bean. Sophora is in the legume family and produces bean pods; this species grows in the mountains and also contains matrine series alkaloids. It has similar medical applications.

苦参 (クララ)は広範囲の疾患治療に臨床的に使用されますが、表明されている「抗毒素」作用において、赤痢、寄生虫(トリコモナス症)、皮膚疾患、急性肝炎、および慢性気管支炎の治療に使用されます。 また、膣トリコモナス症,およびハンセン病の原因となる有機体のらい菌に対して効果があるので局所に塗布されます。もう一つの種は、山豆の根を意味して、漢方で山豆根(さんずこん)と呼ばれているSophora subprostrataです。山豆根(さんずこん)はマメ科の植物で鞘を産生します。これらの種は山に育ち、また、マトリンシリーズのアルカロイドを含有しています。同様な医学適用があります。

Sophora flavescens 苦参 (クララ)
生薬名:山豆根(さんずこん)マメ科のSophora subprostrata の根を乾燥したもの
antitoxin :抗毒素
leprosy :ハンセン病
Mycobacterium leprae:らい菌
vaginal trichomonas:膣トリコモナス症

These two species are of particular interest because they inhibit tumors without inhibiting the immune system, a problematic aspect of nearly all chemotherapy agents. To the contrary, experiments show that they can enhance immune functions, including increasing leukocyte (white blood cell) numbers and promotion of the peripheral immune system responses. The toxicity is quite low, and there are only slight adverse responses when the dosage is especially high.


Presently, there is no clear evidence that these herbs, when used alone, can cure any human cancers. However, they appear to contribute significantly to the curative effectiveness of complex herb formulas and combination treatments of herbs and Western therapies. There are at least two dozen other herbs that have similar activity (inhibiting cancer, promoting immune functions), with various types of active components; and several such herbs are combined together in the production of a complex formula used in clinical practice.


An example of another toxin-removing herb that is often used for cancer is oldenlandia. The Chinese call it baihuasheshecao, describing its white flowers (baihua) and calling it a snake (she) weed (cao), possibly because of early use as a remedy for snake bites. When cancer cells are grown in culture, the addition of oldenlandia extract significantly reduces the cells rapid growth rate. For general use in removing toxins, this herb can be applied successfully in cases of appendicitis, peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal lining), pelvic inflammatory disease, urinary tract infection, mumps, hepatitis, chronic bronchitis, and many other infectious disorders. The herb is added at high dosage (one to two ounces per day) to herb formulas for treating cancer. It has been used, for example, to treat cervical, breast, and rectal tumors.

他の例として、癌にしばしば使用される解毒の薬草は白花蛇舌草です。 中国人は、薬草を白花蛇舌草と呼び、蛇に噛まれた時の初期治療に使用されたために、多分白い花(baihua)、蛇(she)、雑草(cao)を表します。培養で癌細胞が増殖する時に、白花蛇舌草の抽出物を添加すると顕著に細胞の急速な増殖を軽減します。一般的な解毒使用として、虫垂炎、腹膜炎(腹部の炎症)、骨盤内炎症性疾患、尿路感染、おたふくかぜ、肝炎、慢性気管支炎、および他の多くの感染症疾患の症例に成功裏に適用することができます。 この薬草はがん治療用の薬草調剤のために高容量(1日あたり1から2オンス)添加されます。例えば、子宮頸部、乳房、および直腸の腫瘍の治療に使用されてきた。

Oldenlandia diffusa:白花蛇舌草 (びゃっかじゃぜつそう)アカネ科
appendicitis :虫垂炎、盲腸炎
peritonitis :腹膜炎{ふくまくえん}
pelvic inflammatory disease:骨盤内炎症性疾患
urinary tract infection:尿路感染症
Chronic Bronchitis:慢性気管支炎.
cervical :子宮頸部の
rectal :直腸の


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 あした 早池峰に行きます。

Posted by: | August 25, 2010 09:59 PM

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