Therapeutic uses of Ocimumu sanctum Linn(Tulsi) with a note on eugenol and its pharmacological actions:
Short rivew
1: Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2005 Apr;49(2):125-31. Links
Prakash P, Gupta N.
Department of Biochemistry, Seema Dental College & Hospital, Barrage Road, Rishikesh, Dehradoon - 249 203, Uttranchal.
The medicinal plants are widely used by the traditional medical practitioners for curing various diseases in their day to day practice. In traditional systems of medicine, different parts (leaves, stem, flower, root, seeds and even whole plant) of Ocimum sanctum Linn (known as Tulsi in Hindi), a small herb seen throughout India, have been recommended for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, skin diseases, arthritis, painful eye diseases, chronic fever, insect bite etc.
薬用植物は伝統的な治療家(アユルベーダー)によって日常の治療において様々な疾患の治療に広範囲に使用されている。伝統医学システムにおいて、インドの全土でみられるヒンズー語で通称ツルシーと呼ばれるホーリーバジルOcimum sanctum Linnの様々な部位(葉、茎、花、根、実および植物は、気管支炎、気管支喘息、マラリア、下痢、赤痢、皮膚疾患、関節炎、眼の痛み、慢性の熱、虫さされ、その他の治療にに推奨されてきた。
bronchitis :気管支炎
dysentery :赤痢
arthritis :関節炎
traditional medical practitioners :伝統的な治療家
The Ocimum sanctum L. has also been suggested to possess antifertility, anticancer, antidiabetic, antifungal, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, antiemetic, antispasmodic, analgesic, adaptogenic and diaphoretic actions. Eugenol (1-hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene), the active constituent present in Ocimum sanctum L., has been found to be largely responsible for the therapeutic potentials of Tulsi.
また、ホーリーバジル(トゥラシー)は、避妊作用、抗がん作用、抗糖尿病作用、抗真菌作用、抗菌作用、肝臓保護作用、心臓保護作用、制吐作用、抗けいれん作用、鎮痛作用、強壮作用、および発汗作用があることが示唆されてきた。ホーリーバジル(トォルシー)に存在する活性成分、オイゲノール(l (1-hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene)は、トゥラシーの治癒的可能性に大幅な源であることが解明された。
antifertility :避妊用の
antidiabetic :抗糖尿病の
antifungal :抗真菌の
antimicrobial :抗菌の
hepatoprotective :肝臓保護の
cardioprotective :心臓保護の
cardioprotective :心保護の
antiemetic :制吐の
antispasmodic :抗けいれん性の
analgesic :鎮痛の
adaptogenic :強壮効果のある、
diaphoretic :発汗性の
Although because of its great therapeutic potentials and wide occurrence in India the practitioners of traditional systems of medicine have been using Ocimum sanctum L. for curing various ailments, a rational approach to this traditional medical practice with modern system of medicine is, however, not much available.
In order to establish the therapeutic uses of Ocimum sanctum L. in modern medicine, in last few decades several Indian scientists and researchers have studied the pharmacological effects of steam distilled, petroleum ether and benzene extracts of various parts of Tulsi plant and eugenol on immune system, reproductive system, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, gastric system, urinary system and blood biochemistry and have described the therapeutic significance of Tulsi in management of various ailments. These pharmacological studies have established a scientific basis for therapeutic uses of this plant.
blood biochemistry 血液生化学
PMID: 16170979 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ホリーバジル(トゥラシー)5ml, 1,680円のお求めはアロマショップ フィトアロマ研究所へ 2006年11月より発売中