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October 23, 2006


Aromatherapy for travel-induced excitement in dogs



1: J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2006 Sep 15;229(6):964-7.

Wells DL.

Canine Behaviour Centre, School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, UK.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of the ambient odor of lavender as a treatment for travel-induced excitement in dogs.

目的: 犬におけるドライブ旅行で誘発された興奮に対する治療としてラベンダー放散香りの効果を評価するため

ambient :周囲の、環境の、ぐるりと取り巻く、辺り一面の

DESIGN: Clinical trial. Animals-32 dogs with a history of travel-induced excitement in owners' cars.


PROCEDURES: Each dog was studied during travel in the owner's car to a familiar walking site during 2 conditions of olfactory stimulation. The first condition was a control condition, during which dogs were exposed to no odor other than that arising naturally from the environment.


The second condition was an experimental condition during which dogs were exposed to the ambient odor of lavender.


experimental condition 実験条件

Dogs' behavior was recorded during the car journey for 3 consecutive days under the control condition and for 3 consecutive days under the experimental condition. The percentage of time spent moving, standing, sitting, resting, and vocalizing in each condition of olfactory stimulation was quantified for each dog.

犬の行動はドライブ中統制条件下3日間連続および実験条件下で3日間連続で記録されました。 嗅覚刺激の各条件で、動き、スタンディング、お座り、休憩および発声に費やされた時間の割合は各犬のために定量化されました。

RESULTS: Dogs spent significantly more time resting and sitting and less time moving and vocalizing during the experimental condition. There was no significant relationship between dogs' behavior and sex, castration status, day, or the order of exposure to each olfactory condition.

結果: 犬は、実験条件中にかなりの時間を休息およびお座りに費やして、動きおよび吠える時間は少なかった。犬の行動と性、去勢状態、日、または各嗅覚状態への暴露状態との顕著な関係はなかった。


CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Traditional treatments for travel-induced excitement in dogs may be time-consuming, expensive, or associated with adverse effects. Aromatherapy in the form of diffused lavender odor may offer a practical alternative treatment for travel-induced excitement in this species.



PMID: 16978115 [PubMed - in process]

ワンチャンも喜ぶ、自然な香り、ディエットアロマ真正ラベンダー精油のお求めはアロマショップ フィトアロマ研究所へ


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Tracked on November 07, 2006 07:28 AM

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