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December 29, 2006


Olive oil 'can cut cancer risk'


Adding plenty of olive oil to a diet could help protect against cell damage that can lead to cancer, experts say.


A study of 182 European men found those who had 25 millilitres of olive oil per day had reduced levels of a substance which indicates cell damage


The Danish team said it may explain why many cancer rates are higher in northern Europe than the south, where olive oil is a major part of the diet.


The study is in the Federation American Societies for Experimental Biology.




The Copenhagen University Hospital researchers looked at 182 healthy men aged between 20 and 60 from five European countries.

コペンハーゲン大学病院研究者は欧州五カ国から20歳から 60歳間で健常な男性を調査した。

The scientists added either virgin, common or refined olive oil to their diets over two weeks.


At the end of study, scientists measured levels of the substance which indicates oxidative damage to cells, called 8oxodG, in the men's urine.

oxidative damage 酸化障害

Oxidative damage is a process whereby the metabolic balance of a cell is disrupted by exposure to
substances that result in the accumulation of free-radicals, which can then damage the cell.


The men were found to have around 13% less 8oxodG compared with their levels at the beginning of the study.


At the beginning of the study, men from northern Europe had higher levels of 8oxodG than those from southern Europe, supporting the idea that olive oil had a reductive effect.


North-south difference


Olive oil contains a number of compounds, called phenols, which are believed to act as powerful antioxidants

But the Danish researchers said the men in the study used the three different oils, which had different levels of phenols, so that was unlikely to explain the protective effect.


They said that, instead, the monounsaturated fats in olive oil were probably behind the effect.


The scientists, led by Dr Henrik Poulsen, wrote in the FASEB journal: "These data provide evidence that olive oil consumption explains the difference in cancer incidence between north and southern Europe."

Dr Henrik Poulsenによって指導された科学者は、FASEB journalに掲載した。「これらのデータは、オリーブオイル消費が北ヨーロッパと南ローロッパ間のガン発症の相違を説明することの証拠を提供しています。」

Dr Anthea Martin, science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "The effect of diet on cancer risk is very complex because of the many different components of the food we eat.

英国ガン研究所の科学広報担官、Dr Anthea Martinは述べた。私たちが摂食する様々な数多くの食品成分のためガン発症へのダイエット作用は極めて複雑です。

"Although this study suggests that olive oil can reduce DNA damage that could lead to the development of cancer, more long-term research is needed to confirm these effects."


She added: "We do know that a healthy, balanced diet, including plenty of vegetables and fruit and limited amounts of red and processed meat, can help reduce the risk of cancer."

彼女は付け加えました: 「私たちは、多くの野菜および果物と限定した量の赤みおよび加工肉を含む健康的なバランスダイエットがガン発症リスク軽減に役立つことができることを知っています。」


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