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January 17, 2007


Aromatherapy 301 (part 3)



• Jasmine Oil and Ylang Ylang Oil controls sebum and purifies the skin for a smooth, radiant finish.


• Rose Oil helps to soothe and soften the skin. Orange Oil, derived from the fresh peel of an orange, is rich in anti-oxidants and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


• Stimulating Peppermint Oil cools the skin while Rosemary Oil works as an astringent to firm and tone.



• Caudalie has a concentrate to help firm skin and cellulite by using Grape-seed oil, essential oils of Juniper berries, Geranium, Rosemary, essential oils of Lemon and lemongrass, and essential oil of Cypress.


• SkinCeuticals uses oils of grape seed, rose hip, and macadamia to restore and maintain moisture.


• Tangerine essential oil from California, used by the Art of Shaving, is naturally rich in Vitamin C, refreshing and energizing. Hand picked, cold pressed Argan oil from Morocco, rare and precious, has strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, increases cell renewal and helps protect the skin against harsh winds and sun, or drying heat and cold. Gotu Kola extract revives and relaxes tight, tired, stressed muscles. Grapeseed extract, a rich bioflavoid used for fighting free radicals, protects cells from premature aging and helps maintain firmness and elasticity.

ART of SHAVING (アート オブ シェイビング)の化粧品に使用されているカルフォニア産のタンジャリンオイルには天然のビタミンCが豊富に含まれていて、皮膚をリフレシュさせ活力を与えます。モロッコの手積みの冷圧搾の貴重で高価なアルガンには強力な抗酸化特性および抗炎症特性があり、細胞再生増強し、冷たい風および太陽紫外線、または乾燥した暑さおよび寒さにたいして皮膚を保護します。Gotu Kola (ゴツコーラ・つぼ草)抽出物は硬く疲れたストレス状態筋肉を生き返らせ、リラックスさせます。豊富なビオフラボノイド含有グレープシード抽出物は活性酸素から守るために使用され、皮膚の早期老化から細胞を保護し、皮膚の引締めおよび柔軟性維持を助けます。

Gotu Kola (ゴツコーラ・つぼ草)

• Susan Ciminelli uses Cypress and Petigrain to help calm the skin.

Susan Ciminelli (スーザン・シミネリ)はサイプレスおよびプチグレインを使用しています。これらの精油は皮膚を穏やかにすることを助けます。

• Pevonia has bath Salts with essential oils for anti-stress. Lavender, Ylang-Ylang and Tangerine Essential Oil, envelop your entire being with mineralizing, calming and soothing benefits for a truly pleasurable bath.



ディエットアロマオーガニック精油・フィトアロマ精油、キャリアオイルのお求めは アロマショップ フィトアロマ研究所へ


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