Modification of skin composition by conjugated linoleic acid alone or with combination of other fatty acids in mice.
1: Br J Nutr. 2005 Aug;94(2):275-81
Oikawa D, Nakanishi T, Nakamura YN, Yamamoto T, Yamaguchi A, Shiba N, Iwamoto H, Tachibana T, Furuse M.
Laboratory of Advanced Animal and Marine Bioresources, Graduate School of Bioresources and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan.
Bioenvironmental Sciences 環境科学
The effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linoleic acid (LA), and their combinations, on skin composition in mice were investigated.
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA):共役リノール酸
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) ガンマリノレン酸(GLA)
linoleic acid (LA) リノール酸(LA)
Mice (8 weeks old) were orally administered with either LA, GLA, CLA, LA + GLA, LA + CLA, or CLA + GLA for 4 weeks. Then, the skin was analysed for triacylglycerol content, fatty acid composition and collagen content.
マウス(8週)に4週間、リノール酸(LA)、ガンマリノレン酸(GLA), 共役リノール酸(CLA)、リノール酸(LA)、リノール酸(LA)+ガンマリノレン酸(GLA)、リノール酸(LA)、リノール酸(LA)+共役リノール酸(CLA)、または共役リノール酸(CLA)+ガンマリノレン酸(GLA)のいずれかが経口投与された。それで、皮膚のトリアシルグリセロール量、脂肪酸組成およびコラーゲン量は測定された。
Additionally, thicknesses of the dermis layer and subcutaneous tissue layer, and the size and number of adipocytes were measured histologically.
dermis layer 真皮層
subcutaneous tissue layer:皮下組織層
adipocytes 脂肪細胞
The skin fatty acid composition was modified depending upon the fatty acid composition of supplemented oils. In each oil-alone group, skin triacylglycerol content was the highest in LA, followed by GLA and CLA treatments. Combinations with CLA had a similar triacylglycerol content compared with the CLA-alone group.
No significant changes in collagen content were observed among any treatments. The effects on subcutaneous thickness were similar to the results obtained in the triacylglycerol contents, where groups supplemented with CLA alone or other fatty acids had significantly thinner subcutaneous tissue compared with the LA-alone group.
subcutaneous thickness:皮下厚
subcutaneous tissue 皮下組織
However, no significant difference was detected in the thickness of the dermis layers. The number of adipocytes was highest in the LA + GLA group and tended to be reduced by CLA with or without the other fatty acids. These results suggest that CLA alone or in combination with other fatty acids strongly modifies skin composition in mice.
しかし、有意差は真皮層の厚みで検出できなかった。脂肪細胞数はリノール酸(LA)+ ガンマリノレン酸(GLA)群で最高で、他の脂肪酸の有無にかかわらず共役リノール酸(CLA)によって減少する傾向があった。これらの結果は共役リノール酸(CLA)単独または他の脂肪酸と併用の共役リノール酸(CLA)は強力にマウスで皮膚組成を修正する。
dermis layers 真皮層
PMID: 16115363 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
共役リノール酸(CLA)含有ザクロシードオイルのお求めは アロマショップ フィトアロマ研究所へ