Anticonflict effects of lavender oil and identification of its active constituents
1: Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2006 Dec;85(4):713-21. Epub 2006 Dec
Umezu T, Nagano K, Ito H, Kosakai K, Sakaniwa M, Morita M.
Environmental Chemistry Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0053, Japan.
The pharmacological effects of lavender oil were investigated using two conflict tests in ICR mice, and then the active constituents were identified.
pharmacological effects 薬理作用
ICR mice:ICRマウス、クローズドコロニーで飼育されたマウス。
Lavender oil produced significant anticonflict effects at 800 and 1600 mg/kg in the Geller conflict test and at 800 mg/kg in the Vogel conflict test, suggesting that the oil has an anti-anxiety effect.
ラベンダー精油は、800 と1600 mg/kgのゲラー型コンフリクト試験法および800 mg/kgのフォーゲル型コンフリクト試験法で顕著な抗コンフリクト・葛藤作用を産生して、これはラベンダー精油に抗不安作用があることを示唆した。
Geller conflict test:ゲラー型コンフリクト試験法
Analysis using GC/MS revealed that lavender oil contains 26 constituents, among which alpha-pinene (ratio, 0.22%), camphene (0.06%), beta-myrcene (5.33%), p-cymene (0.3%), limonene (1.06%), cineol (0.51%), linalool (26.12%), borneol (1.21%), terpinene-4-ol (4.64%), linalyl acetate (26.32%), geranyl acetate (2.14%) and caryophyllene (7.55%) were identified.
alpha-pinene:α―ピネン (0.22%),
camphene :カンフェン(0.06%),
beta-myrcene β―ミルセン(5.33%),
p-cymene :パラシメン(0.3%),
limonene :リモネン(1.06%),
cineol :シネオール(0.51%),
linalool :リナロール(26.12%),
borneol :ボルネオール(1.21%),
terpinene-4-ol :テルピネン4-ol (4.64%),
linalyl acetate :酢酸リナリル(26.32%),
geranyl acetate :酢酸ゲラニル(2.14%)
caryophyllene :カリオフェイレン(7.55%)
GC/MS(Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer):ガスクロマトグラフ質量分析計
We examined the effects of linalool, linalyl acetate, borneol, camphene, cineol, terpinen-4-ol, alpha-pinene and beta-myrcene using the Geller and Vogel conflict tests in ICR mice.
Cineol, terpinen-4-ol, alpha-pinene and beta-myrcene did not produce any significant anticonflict effects in the Geller test. Linalyl acetate did not produce any significant anticonflict effects in either test. Both borneol and camphene at 800 mg/kg produced significant anticonflict effects in the Geller, but not in the Vogel conflict test.
シネオール、テルピネン4-ol、α―ピネンおよびβーピネンはゲラー型試験法でどのような顕著な抗葛藤作用を産生しなかった。酢酸リナリルはどちらの試験法でどのような顕著な抗葛藤作用を産生しなかった。ボルネオールおよびカンフェンの両方はゲラー型試験法でにおいて800 mg/kgで顕著な抗葛藤作用を産生したが、フォーゲル型試験法では産生しなかた。
Linalool, a major constituent of lavender oil, produced significant anticonflict effects at 600 and 400 mg/kg in the Geller and Vogel tests, respectively, findings that were similar to those of lavender oil. Thus, we concluded that linalool is the major pharmacologically active constituent involved in the anti-anxiety effect of lavender oil.
ラベンダー精油の主要成分、リナロールはゲラー型およびフォーゲル型試験法で600 および400 mg/kgで顕著な抗葛藤作用を産生して、それぞれにラベンダー精油の作用と同じであることが分かった。それで、ラベンダー精油の抗不安作用に関与する主要な薬理活性成分であると結論づけた。
PMID: 17173962 [PubMed - in process]
ディエットアロマオーガニック精油・フィトアロマ精油、キャリアオイルのお求めは アロマショップ フィトアロマ研究所へ