To anoint is to grease with perfumed oil, fat, or melted butter, a process employed ritually in all religions and among all races, civilized or savage, partly as a mode of ridding persons and things of dangerous influences and diseases, especially of the demons (Persian drug, Greek κηρες, Armenian dev) which are or cause those diseases; and partly as a means of introducing into things and persons a sacramental or divine influence
聖油を塗ることは、香油、脂肪または溶かしたバターを塗ることで、そのやり方は全ての宗教および文明化または未開の全ての民族の間儀式で用いられた。一部、これらの病気の原因ある(Persian drug, Greek κηρες, Armenian dev)悪魔悪影響および病気から人々および物を守るために方法として、一部、物および人々に神聖なまたは聖なる影響をもたらす方法として用いられた。
divine :神聖な、神の、神から授かった、天与の
sacramental :聖礼典の、正餐式の、神聖
emanation :発散物}、放射物、エマネイション
synonymous with :~と同じ意味{いみ}の、~と同義で、~の代名詞{だいめいし}で
evil influence:魔力
good principle:良い原理
anoint :塗る、~に油軟膏を塗る、聖油を塗る、聖職者に任命する、聖別する◆
grease : ~にグリースを塗る、油を塗る、油を引く
perfumed oil:香油
savage :粗野な人、
demon :悪霊、悪魔
sacramental :聖礼典の、正餐式の
The Australian natives believed that the virtues of one killed could be transferred to survivors if the latter rubbed themselves with his caul-fat. So the Arabs of East Africa anoint themselves with lion's fat in order to gain courage and inspire the animals with awe of themselves. Such rites are often associated with the actual eating of the victim whose virtues are coveted. Human fat is a powerful charm all over the world; for, as R. Smith points out, after the blood the fat was peculiarly the vehicle and seat of life.
ネイティブのオーストラリア人は、大網膜脂肪で生存者自身がマッサージをするれば、死者の徳を生存者に移すことができると信じていました。 したがって、東アフリカのアラブ人はライオンの脂肪を身体に塗布して、勇気の獲得および自分自身への畏敬を持って動物を鼓舞した。人間の脂肪は世界中で最も魅了的なものです。; スミスが指摘するには、血液後の脂肪は格別な人生の乗り物および座席であった。
This is why fat of a victim was smeared on a sacred stone, not only in acts of homage paid to it, but in the actual consecration thereof. In such cases the influence of the god, communicated to the victim, passed with the unguent into the stone. But the divinity could by anointing be transferred into men no less than into stones; and from immemorial antiquity, among the Jews as among other races, kings were anointed or greased, doubtless with the fat of the victims which, like the blood, was too holy to be eaten by the common votaries.
caul fat :大網脂肪
awe :畏敬の念、畏怖{いふ}
covet 切望する、望む、むさぼる、むやみに欲しがる
smear :(油・ペンキなどを)塗りつける
consecration :神聖化、聖別
unguent :軟膏
divinity :神性、神々しさ
immemorial antiquity;太古
votary :信者、信奉者
Butter made from the milk of the cow, the most sacred of animals, is used for anointing in the Hindu religion. A newly-built house is smeared with it, so are demoniacs, care being taken to smear the latter downwards from head to foot.
最も神聖な動物、牛のミルクから作られたバターはヒンズー教で塗油に使用されます。 新築の家はバターで塗り付けられます。それで、悪魔に取り付かれた人は頭からつま先に向かって後者のバターを塗ってケアされます。
demoniac :悪魔に取り付かれた人
Among the Hebrews, the act of anointing was significant in consecration to a holy or sacred use: hence the anointing of the high priest (Exodus 29:29; Leviticus 4:3) and of the sacred vessels (Exodus 30:26).
the Exodus:(旧約聖書の出エジプト
Leviticus : 《旧約聖書》レビ記
Sacred vessels,:聖器
Unction is another term for anointing. The oil may be called chrism.
unction :注油、塗油◆宗教儀式としての
chrism :聖油式
The word is known in English since c.1303, deriving from Old French enoint "smeared on," pp. of enoindre "smear on," itself from Latin inunguere, from in- "on" + unguere "to smear." Originally it only referred to grease or oil smeared on for medicinal purposes; its use in the Coverdale Bible in reference to Christ (cf. The Lord's Anointed, see chrism) has spiritualized the sense of it.
言葉は、ラテン語のinunguereからでin- "は上"+unguereは塗油そのものからのenoindre・塗油の前置詞句で塗油されたフランス語enoint由来の言葉でc.1303から英語で知られてます。
PP:prepositional phrase/前置詞句
尚、Jesus Christnの意味は
Jesus:ヘブライ語Yeshua 「ヤハウェ(Yahweh;当時のユダヤ人に多く見られた人名)は救済された」が原義