Problems Smelling predict Alzheimers disease
Problems identifying common odors among older adults may be associated with an increased risk of developing mental impairment, such as Alzheimer’s disease, say researchers in an article published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
高齢者で一般的な匂いの特定に問題がある人はアルツハイマー病などの精神障害発症リスク増加と関係していることがありますとアーカイブス オブ ジェネラル サカイトリ米国版に掲載された記事で研究者は述べています。
mental impairment:精神障害
Archives of General Psychiatry:アーカイブス オブ ジェネラル サカイトリ米国版
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder in which plaques and tangles form in the brain, gradually destroying a person’s memory and ability to learn, reason, communicate, and carry out daily activities.
progressive brain disorder:進行性の脳障害
It is now understood that people who have difficulty identifying odors have a more rapid mental decline and a shorter transition time from mild impairment to Alzheimer’s disease. Little is known, however, about the factors that predict the development of mild mental impairment.
匂いを特定するのが困難である人々は急速にメンタルの低下を有して軽度認知障害からアルツハイマー病への短い移行時間になることは現在理解されています。 しかし.軽度の精神障害の発症を予測する要因に関してはほとんど知られていないです。
mild mental impairment:軽度の精神障害
In the present study, researchers studied nearly 600 healthy older adults and asked them to identify 12 familiar odors, and scored them on their ability to do so. At the beginning of the study, and again every year for up to five years, they underwent a medical history, neurological exam, and mental function testing.
neurological exam:神経学的検査
mental function testing:精神機能検査
During the study 30% developed mild mental impairment and the risk increased as their ability to recognize odors decreased. In fact, those who scored below average on the odor identification test were as much as 50% more likely to develop mental impairment compared to those who scored above average. Impaired ability to identify odor was also associated with lower mental ability scores at the beginning of the study and a faster decline in memory of past experiences, words, and symbols.
It is thought that even before symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease begin, the tangles and plaques characteristic of the disease may develop in areas of the brain responsible for processing smells. Because problems identifying odors are associated with other diseases, such as Parkinson’s, researcher suspect that other mechanisms may be involved.
Based on the findings, odor identification testing may be a useful tool for identifying people at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.