Is Your Medicine Making You Fat?
For the many people who take prescription medication it probably comes as no surprise that your drugs often affect your weight -- and not in a good way.
Some of the medications that can cause the numbers on the scale to go up include birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, antidepressants, various mood stabilizers, diabetic medications and steroids. Let’s break them down by class.
mood stabilizers 気分安定剤
diabetic medications 糖尿病治療薬
Birth Control Pills
Weight gain is a common fear for women who take birth control pills. Although it sometimes does occur, studies show that there as many women who lose weight on birth control pills as those who gain weight. There are a couple of reasons that birth control pills can cause weight gain -- one is the type of progesterone hormone in the pill.
High androgenic (or male hormone) acting progesterones can increase your appetite and have some anabolic effects (the phase of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the complex materials of living tissue), which can lead to weight gain.
progesterones プロゲステロン
anabolic effects タンパク同化作用
living tissue :生体組織
High doses of estrogen in the pill can cause weight gain in the breasts, hips and thighs. To avoid weight gain, your health-care provider should choose a low-androgenic progesterone pill with a low-dose estrogen pill. There are many from which to choose. When this combination is chosen, weight gain is minimal.
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