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September 26, 2007


In-vitro inhibition of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase by salvia lavandulaefolia essential oil and constituent terpenes.


erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase:赤血球のアセチルコリンエステラーゼ
Salvia lavandulaefolia:スパニッシュセージ


1: J Pharm Pharmacol. 2000 Jul;52(7):895-902

Perry NS, Houghton PJ, Theobald A, Jenner P, Perry EK.

Department of Pharmacy, King's College London, UK.

Sage (Salvia spp) is reputed in European herbal encyclopaedias to enhance memory, and current memory-enhancing/anti-dementia drugs are based on enhancing cholinergic activity by inhibiting cholinesterase.


cholinergic activity コリン作動性作用
cholinesterase コリンエステラーゼ

In this study the effects of Salvia lavandulaefolia Vahl. (Spanish sage) essential oil and some of its constituent terpenes on human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase were examined in-vitro.

この研究で、ヒト赤血球のアセチルコリンエステラーゼに対するスパニッシュ セージ精油および精油の幾つかの成分テルペンの作用がin-vitroで調査された。。

The main constituents in the essential oil batch used for analysis of cholinesterase inhibition were camphor (27%), 1,8-cineole (13%), alpha- and beta-pinene (10-15%) and bornyl acetate (10%) with other minor constituents (1% or less) including geraniol, limonene, linalool, terpineol and gamma-terpinene.

コリンエステラーゼ阻害の分析に使用される精油バッチでの主要成分は、カンファー(27%)、1、8シネオール(13%)、α-とβ-ピネン(10-15%)および酢酸ボルニル(10%)、ゲラニオール、リモネン、リナロール、テルピネオールおよびγ-テルピネンを含む微量成分(1% またはそれ以下)であった。

Using the Ellman spectrophotometric method, kinetic analysis was conducted on the interaction of the essential oil and the main monoterpenoids, camphor, 1,8-cineole and alpha-pinene. IC50 values were obtained for the essential oil, 1,8-cineole and alpha-pinene and were 0.03 microL [corrected] mL(-1), 0.67 mM and 0.63 mM, respectively. Camphor and other compounds tested (geraniol, linalool and gamma-terpinene) were less potent (camphor IC50: >10mM). The essential oil, alpha-pinene, 1,8-cineole and camphor were found to be uncompetitive reversible inhibitors.

Ellman分光光度法を使用して、熱分析は精油の相互作用および主なモノテルペノイド、カンファー、1、8シネオール、およびα-ピネン関して行われた。阻害濃度50値は精油、1、8シネオールおよびα-ピネン対して得られて、それぞれ0.03 microL [訂正] mL(-1), 0.67 mM and 0.63 mMであった。カンファーおよび他の検査された化合物(ゲラニオール、リナロールおよびγ-テルピネン)はそれほど強力(camphor IC50: >10mM).ではなかった。セージ精油、α-ピネン、1、8シネオールおよびカンファーは不競争可逆的な阻害剤であることがわかった。

uncompetitive reversible inhibitors:不競争可逆的な阻害剤
IC¬= Inhibitory Concentration 阻害濃度
spectrophotometric :分光光度
kinetic analysis :熱分析

These findings suggest that if the inhibitory activity of the essential oil is primarily due to the main inhibitory terpenoid constituents identified, there is a major synergistic effect among the constituents. Since no single constituent tested was particularly potent, it remains to be determined whether these in-vitro cholinesterase inhibitory activities are relevant to in-vivo effects of the ingestion of S. lavandulaefolia essential oil on brain acetylcholinesterase activity.


synergistic effect :相乗作用

PMID: 10933142 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



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