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November 02, 2007


Antinociceptive Properties of 1,8-Cineole and beta-Pinene, from the Essential Oil of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Leaves, in Rodents.

齧歯動物でリバーレッドガム ユーカリの葉精油由来の1,8シネオールおよびβ-ピネンの抗侵害(鎮痛)作用

Antinociceptive Properties:抗侵害(鎮痛)作用
Eucalyptus camaldulensis リバーレッドガム ユーカリ


1: Planta Med. 2007 Sep 24;

Liapi C, Anifantis G, Chinou I, Kourounakis AP, Theodosopoulos S, Galanopoulou P.

Department of Experimental Pharmacology, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

1,8-Cineole (cineole) and beta-pinene, two monoterpenes isolated from the essential oil obtained from EUCALYPTUS CAMALDULENSIS Dehn leaves were tested for antinociceptive properties. Tail-flick and hot-plate methods, reflecting the spinal and supraspinal levels, respectively, were used in mice and/or rats using morphine and naloxone for comparison.

リバーレッドガム ユーカリの葉から得られた精油より単離された2つのモノテルペン、1,8シネオール(シネオール)およびβ-ピネンの抗侵害(鎮痛)作用が検査された。脊椎レベルおよび上脊髄レベルを反映するテイルフリックおよびホットプレートの方法が比較のために、それぞれにモルヒネとナロキソンを用いてマウスおよび/またはラットで使用された。

spinal levels 脊椎レベル
supraspinal levels:上脊髄レベル
naloxone ナロキソン

Cineole exhibited an antinociceptive activity comparable to that of morphine, in both algesic stimuli. A significant synergism between cineole and morphine reversed the antinociceptive effect of morphine in a degree equivalent to naloxone, probably acting as a partial agonist through the mu opioid receptors.


algesic stimuli  痛覚刺激
partial agonist:部分アゴニスト

From structure-activity relationships of the pairs morphine + cineole and naloxone + beta-pinene, it was shown that similarities exist in the stereochemistry and in the respective atomic charges of these molecules. Further studies are in progress in order to elucidate the mechanism of action of the two terpenoids.


Structure-Activity Relationship:構造活性相関
stereochemistry :立体化学
atomic charges 原子電荷

PMID: 17893834 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]







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