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November 10, 2007


Novel antiplatelet and antithrombotic activities of essential oil from Lavandula hybrida Reverchon "grosso".


antiplatelet :抗血小板


1: Phytomedicine. 2004 Nov;11(7-8):596-601. Links

Ballabeni V, Tognolini M, Chiavarini M, Impicciatore M, Bruni R, Bianchi A, Barocelli E.
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche, Biologiche e Chimiche Applicate, Università di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 271A, 43100 Parma, Italy.

Lavender extracts are known to produce several mild effects at central and peripheral level. However, no studies are so far available about the potential effects of lavender essential oil on the hemostatic system.


hemostatic system 血液凝固系

In this work, we demonstrated antiplatelet properties of lavender oil towards platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, U46619, collagen and ADP (IC50 = 51, 84, 191 and 640 microg/ml, respectively) on guinea-pig platelet rich plasma (PRP) and its ability to destabilize clot retraction (IC50 = 149 microg/ml) induced by thrombin on rat PRP.

本研究においてモルモット多血小板血漿上にアラキドン酸、U46619、コラーゲンおよびアデノシン二リン酸.・ADP(それぞれ(IC50 = 51, 84, 191 と 640 microg/ml,)によって誘発された血小板凝集およびラット多血小板血漿上にトロンビンによって誘発された血餅収縮(IC50 = 149 microg/ml)を不安定化する力へのへのラベンダー精油の抗血栓作用を示した。

platelet aggregation 血小板凝集
platelet rich plasma (PRP) :多血小板血漿
ADP:adenosine diphosphate, アデノシン二リン酸.
clot retraction 血餅収縮
antiplatelet properties 抗血栓作用

Furthermore, antithrombotic properties were studied in an in vivo model of pulmonary thromboembolism induced by intravenous injection of a collagen-epinephrine mixture in mice subacutely treated with lavender oil.

さらに、抗血栓作用は、亜急性にラベンダー精油で治療されたマウスでコラーゲン・エピネフリン混合物の静脈注射によって誘発される肺血栓塞栓症モデルでin vivo生体内で研究された。

pulmonary thromboembolism 肺血栓塞栓症

In this model, lavender oil (100 mg/kg/day os for 5 days) significantly reduced thrombotic events without inducing prohemorrhagic complications at variance with acetylsalicylic acid used as reference drug. Finally, main components of the oil were studied in vitro in order to assess their antiplatelet effects, but none of them possessed an activity comparable to the oil itself.

このモデルにおいて、ラベンダー精油(5日間100 mg/kg/day )は参照薬剤として使用されるアセチルサリチル酸との相違でプロ出血性合併症を誘発することなく有意に血栓症を減らした。最後に、精油の主成分はそれらの抗血小板作用を評価するためにin vitro生体外で研究したが精油成分のいずれも精油自身と同等の作用は有してなかった。

hemorrhagic :出血性の

These results provide the first experimental evidence of lavender oil's antiplatelet/antithrombotic properties which could be due to a synergistic effect of its components.

PMID: 15636172 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




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