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April 27, 2008


The Doctrine of Signatures as above –so below

特徴説: 上の如く下も然り

The Doctrine of Signatures was the belief of Alchemists and Herbalists that everything was governed by the planets and their qualities were reflected in all things - stones, minerals, animals, plants and people.


Since ancient times each plant species has been connected with a particular planet and this has defined the plants’ properties.


As Above - So Below was the belief of medieval cosmology. Everything was governed by the planets and their qualities were reflected in all things - stones, minerals, animals,plants and people.


medieval cosmology 中世の宇宙観

As the planets moved along their path, their expressions changed depending on the characteristics and qualities of the sign through which they were passing.


Everything in the Universe was ruled by a particular planet and influenced by the elements and
their respective qualities.


The Doctrine of Signatures is the belief that God has marked everything created with asignature or sign. The signature is an indication of the purpose for the creation.


The Doctrine of Signatures became part of medical thinking, founded on the four pillars of philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and virtue, from the middle of the seventeenth century and many practitioners listed the various trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers and their ruling planets.



ドラゴンブラッドに関して調べているときに、このThe Doctrine of Signatures (特徴説)のことを知りました。とても


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