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April 29, 2008

The doctrine of signatures:特徴説


The doctrine of signatures is often attributed to Paracelsus, and was pervasive in Europe by the sixteenth century. The doctrine asserts that the inner virtues of a plant are manifest in its signature or outer appearance — that God has mercifully ordained that humans can read the healing powers of plants from their physical characteristics. For example, according to a seventeenth-century herbal, we can know that St. John’s wort is good for cuts and wounds because the leaves have holes in them, and the flowers, when putrefied, look like blood, “which teacheth us, that this herb is good for wounds, to close them and fill them up.”


Thus, too, the yellow color of saffron suggests that it is useful for jaundice; the brain-like surface of a walnut indicates its value for head ailments; and the spotted leaves of lungwort, appearing like pulmonary disease, indicate its potential to cure chest complaints.


Mestizo shamans apparently inherited the doctrine of signatures from Hispanic culture. I have found little evidence of any indigenous Amazonian equivalent of this way of viewing plants. William Balée, in his extensive study of Ka’apor ethnobotany, devotes several pages to the doctrine of signatures, only to conclude that, by and large, the doctrine does not apply to Ka’apor medicinal plant use.

メスティーソ・シャーマンは、明らかにヒスパニック系文化から特徴説を継承した。このような植物の見方に相当する土着アマゾン川流域にほとんど証拠を見つけることができなっかた。広範囲にわたるKa'apor種族の民族植物学で、William Balée,は何ページかを特徴説に充てています。概して、この学説はKa’aporの薬用植物使用には適用しないと結論づけているだけです。

ethnobotany :民族植物学

Most mestizo shamans use — but do not articulate — the doctrine of signatures. For example, plants that cling, such as lianas and vines, are often used for pusanguería, love medicine, especially the renaco, strangler fig (Ficus americana), which clings to its support tree like a devoted lover. Amor seco (Bidens alba) has small prickly leaves which cling to the clothing or skin of passersby, and is similarly considered useful in love medicine. The plant called sacha corazon (Caladium spp.) has heart-shaped leaves and clings to the trunks of trees; it is thus used not only in love medicine but also in the treatment of diseases related to the heart and blood.

大部分のメスティーソ・シャーマンは、明らかに表現していないが―特徴説を用いている。例えば、蔓植物およびつるのような巻きつく植物はpusanguería,恋薬のために使用されることが多くて、特に、恋にくるった恋人のように支持樹木に巻きつくrenaco,しめごろしのイチジク である。Amor secoシロバナセンダングサは、通行人の衣服または皮膚に絡みつく小さいとげのある葉を有していて、同様に恋薬に役立つと考えられている。ハイモ(葉芋),

Strangler Fig:しめごろしのイチジク
Bidens alba:シロバナセンダングサ
Caladium.spp :ハイモ(葉芋),

But, in the Upper Amazon, the system is probably more mnemonic than it is philosophical. Signatures provide a way to remember the uses of a plant. Here are some more examples.


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