Gut microflora and obesity - Nestle expands the possibilities
Modifying the population of bacteria in the gut may improve the regulation of glycemic control and reverse the insulin resistance that occurs with obesity, suggests a new study from the Nestlé Research Center.
An enhancement of oral glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity was observed in obese, diabetic animals following administration of antibiotics to modify the gut microflora, according to results published in the FASEB Journal.
oral glucose tolerance :経口ブドウ糖負荷
insulin sensitivity: インスリン感受性
The results, building on earlier reports from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, suggest a potential role for food-based approaches to modify gut microflora in obese people.
"Our results strongly support the idea that modulating gut microbiota could be beneficial for improving glycemic control and insulin sensitivity," said Dr. Chieh Jason Chou from Nestlé Research.
「我々の研究結果は、強く、腸内細菌叢を調整することが血糖管理とインスリン感受性を改善するために有益でありえたという考えを支持する」と、ネッスル研究センターのDr. Chieh Jason 博士が述べた。