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June 19, 2008


Effects of fragrance administration on stress-induced prefrontal cortex activity and sebum secretion in the facial skin.


prefrontal cortex activity 前頭前野活動
sebum secretion :皮脂分泌


Neurosci Lett. 2008 Feb 20;432(2):157-61. Epub 2008 Jan 8.

Tanida M, Katsuyama M, Sakatani K.

Bioengineering Research Laboratories, Shiseido Life Science Research Center, Yokohama, Japan.


Although fragrances have long been known to influence stress-induced psychosomatic disorders, the neurophysiological mechanism remains unclear. We evaluated the effect of fragrance on the relation between the level of sebum secretion in the facial skin and the stress-induced prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity, which regulates the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

芳香が長い間ストレスによって誘発された心身症に影響を及ぼすことは知らいたにもかかわらず、神経生理学機構は不明なままである。顔面皮膚の皮脂分泌レベルとストレス誘発性の前頭前野活動との関係に関して芳香の作用を評価した。前頭前野は 視床下部-下垂体-副腎系の活動を調整する。

psychosomatic disorders 心身症
neurophysiological mechanism 神経生理学的機序
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 視床下部-下垂体-副腎系

Employing near infrared spectroscopy, we measured hemoglobin concentration changes in the bilateral PFC during a mental arithmetic task in normal adults (n=31), and evaluated asymmetry of the PFC activity in terms of the laterality index (i.e., [(right-left)/(right+left)]) of oxyhemoglobin concentration changes (LI-oxyHb). We measured the level of sebum secretion in the facial skin before the task performance.

近赤外線分光分析法を用いて、通常の成人(n=31)で暗算負荷タスク中両前頭前野におけるヘモグロビン濃度変化を測定して、オキシヘモグロビン濃度変化(LI-oxyHb)の側化指数(i.e., [(right-left)/(right+left)])の観点で

near infrared spectroscopy 近赤外線分光分析法
hemoglobin concentration changes ヘモグロビン濃度変化
mental arithmetic  暗算負荷
oxyhemoglobin オキシヘモグロビン
laterality index 側化指数
asymmetry :非対称

There was a significant positive correlation between the LI-oxyHb and the level of sebum secretion (r=+0.44, p=0.01). We selected the subjects who exhibited high levels of sebum secretion and right-dominant PFC activity for the study on the fragrance effect (n=12).


positive correlation 順相関

Administration of fragrance for four weeks significantly reduced the level of sebum (p=0.02) in the fragrance group (n=6). In addition, the LI-oxyHb decreased significantly from 0.11+/-0.07 to -0.10+/-0.18 (p=0.01), indicating that the dominant side of the stress-induced PFC activity changed from the right to left side.

4週間の芳香投与は、芳香群(n=6)で有意に皮脂濃度(p=0.02)を低下させた。さらに、LI-オキシ・ヘモグロビンは、有意に0.11+/-0.07から-0.10+/-0.18 (p=0.01)に低下して、このことはストレス誘発性前頭前野活動の優位部位が右側面から左側面に変化したことを示した。

In contrast, neither LI-oxyHb nor the levels of sebum secretion changed significantly in the control group (n=6). These results suggest that administration of fragrance reduced the level of sebum secretion by modulating the stress-induced PFC activity. The PFC may be involved in the neurophysiological mechanism of fragrance effects on systemic response to mental stress.


PMID: 18191897 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




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