From your nose to your heart (via your brain)
The connection between our sense of smell and our emotions is founded on the evolution of our brain with the two being intrinsically linked.
Smell and emotion are located in the same network of neural structures, called the limbic system. The limbic system is the ancient core of the brain, sometimes called the rhinencephalon – literally, the ‘nose brain’.
limbic system 大脳辺縁系
rhinencephalon 嗅脳
“A primitive olfactory cortex was the first fabric of our brain and from this neural tissue grew the amygdala, where emotion is processed,” says Herz.
olfactory cortex 嗅皮質
“In other words, the ability to experience and express emotion grew directly out of our brain’s ability to process smell.
“Without an amygdala we cannot experience or process emotional experiences, we cannot express our own emotions, and we cannot learn and remember emotional events. Brain imaging studies have shown that when we perceive a scent the amygdala becomes activated and the more emotional our reaction to the scent, the more intense the activation is.
Brain imaging 脳内イメージ
“No other sensory system has this kind of privileged and direct access to the part of brain that controls our emotions,” says Herz.
It begs the question: would we feel emotion and attraction if we didn’t have a sense of smell?
それは論点を巧みに避ける: 嗅覚がなかったら感情および魅力を感じますか?