Cancer chemoprevention and therapy by monoterpenes
Environ Health Perspect. 1997 Jun
Gould MN.
Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53792, USA. gould@humonc.wisc.edu
Monoterpenes are found in the essential oils of many plants including fruits, vegetables, and herbs. They prevent the carcinogenesis process at both the initiation and promotion/progression stages. In addition, monoterpenes are effective in treating early and advanced cancers.
advanced cancers 進行ガン
Monoterpenes such as limonene and perillyl alcohol have been shown to prevent mammary, liver, lung, and'other cancers. These compounds have also been used to treat a variety of rodent cancers, including breast and pancreatic carcinomas.
perillyl alcohol:ペリリルアルコール
rodent cancers:げっ歯類動物ガン
In addition, in vitro data suggest that they may be effective in treating neuroblastomas and leukemias. Both limonene and perillyl alcohol are currently being evaluated in phase I clinical trials in advanced cancer patients.
neuroblastomas 神経芽腫
phase I clinical trials:第I相臨床試験,
The monoterpenes have several cellular and molecular activities that could potentially underlie their positive therapeutic index. The monoterpenes inhibit the isoprenylation of small G proteins. Such inhibitions could alter signal transduction and result in altered gene expression. The results of a new gene expression screen-subtractive display have identified or confirmed several up- or downregulated genes in regressing mammary carcinomas.
therapeutic index: 治療指数
isoprenylation :イソプレニル化
small G proteins: 低分子量Gタンパク質
signal transduction: シグナル伝達
subtractive :減じる、引く
screen-subtractive display:正確な訳語はわからないので意味不明の訳になっています。
regressing mammary carcinomas:退行性乳ガン
up-regulated genes: 発現遺伝子
downregulated genes:抑制遺伝子
For example, these regressing tumors overexpress the mannose 6-phosphate/IGF II receptor. The product of the gene both degrades the mammary tumor mitogen IGF II and activates the cytostatic factor TGF-beta. These and other alterations in the gene expression of mammary carcinomas lead to a G1 cell cycle block, followed by apoptosis, redifferentiation, and finally complete tumor regression in which tumor parenchyma is replaced by stromal elements.
たとえば、これらの退行性腫瘍はマンノース 6- リン酸/ IGF II(インスリン様成長因子II)受容体を過剰発現する。両方の遺伝子発現生成物(リモネンおよびペリリルアルコール)は、乳腺腫瘍マイトジェン(細胞分裂誘起物質)IGF IIを退化させて細胞分裂停止因子TGF-beta(トランスフォーミング増殖因子-β)を活性化する。乳ガンの遺伝子発現でこれらおよび他の変異はG1期の細胞周期ブロックをもたらして、アポトーシス、再分化に続いて、良性の腫瘍が間質成分に取り替わることで最後に完全な腫瘍退行になる。
regressing tumors:退行性腫瘍
mannose 6-phosphate:マンノース 6-リン酸
IGF・Insulin-like growth factor:インスリン様成長因子
mammary carcinomas:乳腺腫瘍
cytostatic factor:細胞分裂停止因子
TGF・Transforming Growth Factor:トランスフォーミング増殖因子
G1 cell cycle block:G1期の細胞周期ブロック
redifferentiation 再分化
tumor parenchyma 良性腫瘍
stromal elements 間質成分
It is likely that monoterpenes prevent mammary cancer during their progression stage by mechanisms similar to those that occur during therapy. In contrast, prevention of mammary cancer by polycyclic hydrocarbons such as 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene occur by the induction of detoxifying phase II hepatic enzymes.
induction of detoxifying phase II hepatic enzymes:第2相解毒酵素誘導