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October 22, 2008


Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Oleogum Resin Essential Oils from Boswellia SPP. (Burseraceae)


Lorenzo Camarda *, Talya Dayton, Vita Di Stefano, Rosa Pitonzo, Domenico Schillaci

Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo,Italy

*Correspondence to Lorenzo Camarda, Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy, Fax: +390916236150

The chemical composition of Boswellia carteri (Somalia), B. papyrifera (Ethiopia), B. serrata (India) and B. rivae (Ethiopia) oleogum resin essential oils was investigated using GC-MS to identify chemotaxonomy marker components. Total ion current peak areas gave good approximations to relative concentrations based on GC-MS peak areas.


Boswellia carteri(ソマリア)、B. papyrifera(エチオピア)、B. serrata(インド)およびB. rivae(エチオピア)樹脂精油の化学成分は化学分類マーカー成分を特定するためにGCMS(ガス・クロマトグラフを直結した質量分析計)を使用して調査された。全体のイオン電流ピーク域は、GC-MSピークの領域に基づく相対的な集中に良好な近似値を与えた。

B. carteri and B. serrata oleogum resin oils showed similar chemical profiles, with isoincensole and isoincensole acetate as the main diterpenic components.

B. carteri およびB. serrata樹脂精油は、主要なジテルペンの成分としてisoincensole(イソインセンスロール)およびisoincensole acetate(酢酸イソインセンスロール)を有して同様な化学成分を示した。

Both n-octanol and n-octyl acetate, along with the diterpenic components incensole and incensole acetate, were the characteristic compounds of B. papyrifera oleogum resin oil. Hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpenes were the most abundant classes of compounds identified in the B. rivae oleogum resin oil.

ジテルペン成分インセンスロールおよび酢酸インセンスロールと並んで両方のn-オクタノールと酢酸n-オクチルは、B. papyrifera 樹脂オイルの主要成分であった。炭化水素および酸化モノテルペンはB. rivae樹脂オイルで特定された最も多い種類の成分であった。

The antimicrobial activities of the essential oils were individually evaluated against different microorganisms including fungi, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria strains.


Gram-positive bacteria strains グラム陽性球菌1株

The essential oils with the best activity against fungal strains were those obtained from B. carteri and B. papyrifera with MIC values as low as 6.20  g/ml. The essential oil of B. rivae resin showed the best activity against C. albicans with a MIC value of 2.65  g/ml

菌類の株にたして最大の活性を有する精油は6.20グラム/ミリリットルと同程度低くMIC値でB. carteriおよびB. papyriferaから得られた精油であった。B. rivae樹脂精油は2.65  g/ml





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