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December 07, 2008


Eggs may Play a Role in Type 2 Diabetes


Eating more than one egg a week may be linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.


The authors analyzed data from two randomized trials that included 20,703 men from the Physicians' Health Study I and 36,295 women from the Women's Health Study. These studies were originally designed to test the effects of vitamins and aspirin on heart disease.


On average, the follow-up period was 20 years for the men and 11.7 years for the women. By the end of the follow-up, 1,921 men and 2,112 women developed type 2 diabetes.


The risk of developing type 2 diabetes reportedly increased with the number of eggs consumed. The authors found that men who ate the most eggs (seven or more per week) were 58 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who did not eat eggs. Women who ate seven or more eggs per week had a 77 percent increased risk of developing the condition


上記記事はメルマガ・Natural Standardからです。今日はブログに書くテーマが見つからなくて料理のことでも書こうかと思っていたときにこの記事をみつけたので訳してみました。



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