The limbic system is critical in balancing our desires for both survival and pleasure, she says. ``It tries to keep us out of danger, as well as give us our emotional rewards."
It plays a big role in gambling and drug addiction, which are disturbances in the reward mechanism. And Dr Williams believes this ``emotional brain" also subtly biases most of our normal thinking and behaviour.
Her experiments at BRAINnet at Westmead Hospital are done in collaboration with centre director Dr Evian Gordon, Dr Tony Peduto and Professor Richard Bryant.
Their novel approach has been to study the physical manifestations of emotions, such as sweating and high heart rate, at the same time as brain activity.
Dr Williams found that when people react physically to fear, only two parts of their brain, the amygdala and the medial frontal region, were activated.
medial frontal region:前頭部内側
This is in keeping with a theory by an American neurologist, Dr Antonio Damasio, that memories of the physical changes caused by strong emotions are stored in this frontal region.
Sounds, smells or tastes can trigger the stored body states, and set off the emotional limbic system. ``Damasio calls it an `as if' experience," says Dr Williams.
These as if' experiences could be as subtle as an unconscious tensing of your muscles when you walk into the boss's office, because your brain has stored away emotional memories from a previous bad meeting.
The Sydney team is testing the effects of sounds, like screams, while their University College London colleagues plan to test tastes and smells.
シドニーチームは悲鳴のような音の作用をテストしていて、一方、同僚のユニバーシティ・カレッジ( ロンドン大学)の計画は味覚および匂いをテストすることです。
Dr Williams has already found differences in the emotion-related brain activity of people with schizophrenia, and has started a study of people with post-traumatic stress disorder, and borderline personalities.
schizophrenia 統合失調症
post-traumatic stress disorder 心的外傷後ストレス障害
borderline personalities 境界型人格障害