Influence of essential and fatty oils on ciliary beat frequency of human nasal epithelial cells.
ciliary beat frequency:線毛運動振動周波数
nasal epithelial cells:鼻腔上皮細胞
1: Am J Rhinol. 2008 Mar-Apr;22(2):130-4.
Neher A, Gstöttner M, Thaurer M, Augustijns P, Reinelt M, Schobersberger W.
Innsbruck Medical University, Anichstr. 35, Innsbruck, Austria.
BACKGROUND: In alternative and complementary medicine, the use of essential and fatty oils has become more and more popular. In addition to conventional medical therapies, self-medication is showing increasing popularity, using agents with unclear compounds and poorly controlled dosages. Among other disorders, these alternative treatments are used in bronchitis and rhinitis, including some topical applications.
Thus, the influence on ciliated epithelia should be evaluated, because a disturbance of the ciliary function can lead to recurrent sinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis. The aim of this study was to test the influence of fatty and essential oils on the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) of nasal mucosa in vivo.
このように、線毛上皮への作用が評価すべきである。何故ならば、線毛運動機能障害は反復性副鼻腔炎および慢性副鼻腔炎の原因になる。本研究の目的は、in vivoで鼻腔粘膜の線毛運動振動周波数への精油および脂肪油の作用を試験することであった。
nasal mucosa 鼻腔粘膜
ciliary function 線毛運動機能
METHODS: The influence of sesame oil, soy oil, peanut oil, Miglyol 840, thyme oil, lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, and menthol on the ciliary activity of nasal brushings was evaluated by digital high-speed imaging.
鼻腔ブラシングの線毛運動ついてゴマ油、大豆油、ピーナッツ油、 ミグリオール840、タイム精油、ラベンダー精油、ユーカリ精油およびメントールの作用がデジタル高速イメージングによって評価された。
RESULTS: The presence of most fatty oils resulted in an increase in CBF, the effect being highest for peanut oil. Miglyol 840 had no significant influence on CBF. The essential oils were tested at a concentration of 0.2 and 2%. Thyme oil did not affect CBF, whereas the presence of all other essentials oils resulted in an increase in CBF; the effect was higher at 0.2% than at 2%.
大部分の脂肪油の存在は線毛運動振動周波数 (CBF)を結果的に増加させて最高の作用はピーナッツ油であった。ミグリオール840は線毛運動振動周波数 (CBF)に有意な影響を及ぼさなかった。精油は0.2 および2%の濃度で検査された。タイム精油は(CBF)に影響を及ぼさなかったのに、他の全ての精油の存在は結果的に(CBF)の増加をもたらして、作用は2%濃度でより0.2%濃度が高かった。
CONCLUSION: Except thyme oil and Miglyol 840, all tested oils caused an increase in CBF. Interestingly, the 0.2% concentrations of essential oils resulted in stronger effects when compared with the 2% concentrations.
PMID: 18416967 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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