I interviewed Julie Motz recently she spoke more about her work and views on modern medicine.
EC: Could you talk more about your idea of "whole body" healing and how it came to you?
JM: My formal introduction to alternative medicine is very much focused on the mind/body connection. It's not about acupuncture needles instead of hypodermic needles. It's about engaging with the body and relating to it in a very different way and understanding that symptoms are messages from the body to the person very directly. . .to change things.
mind/body connection 心と身体の関係
hypodermic needles 皮下注射[注射針
The more deeply I got into surgery, the more strongly the idea of "total" healing absorbed me. I had a growing sense that little in my own life was accidental-that I was bringing things across my path in an effort to learn things about myself that I couldn't learn in any other way, and that every cell in my body was a full participant in this learning process.
The same, I believe, is true for everyone. Then what is each patient, each surgeon, each anesthesiologist and each OR nurse and technician trying to learn when they come together? And what are we as a culture trying to dramatize for yourselves in these situations?
Operating Room Nurse:手術室看護師
Gradually, I came to see all disease as an attempt by the body to call us back to earlier wounds and to jolt us into dealing with them. I also saw the cures we have created as a critical part of reenacting these early dramas.
(As an example, Motz cited ten breast cancer surgeries she worked with in the metropolitan New York at five different hospitals.) In each case the woman had had both recent turmoil and ancient tragedy in her life. In each case she had a sense of urgency about changing her life, confusion about how to do this and often anger at outside forces that seemed to be preventing the change. At times, too, they were in profound denial.
(例として、モーツは首都のニューヨークの5つの異なった病院で働いていた10乳癌手術を引用しました。) それぞれの事例で、女性は人生で最近の不安および昔の悲劇の両方を持っていた。それぞれのケースで、自分の人生を変えることの切迫感を持っていて、これを如何にするかについての混乱および変化を妨げている外の力に怒りをもっていることが多かった。また、時には、全く否定的であった。