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September 12, 2009




Depression casts a shadow over the lives of 19 million Americans, two-thirds of them women. The precise cause, in many cases, remains a mystery. Genetics, brain chemistry gone bonkers, even environmental depredation have all been mentioned, and documented, as causes of depression.


We suggest that systemic yeast overgrowth is another often-overlooked cause of depression.


systemic yeast overgrowth:全身性酵母菌増殖

In his latest book, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, Dr. William Crook says he and his colleagues found a very strong link between Candida albicans yeast overgrowth and depression in patients who had a history of any of the following:

Dr. William Crookの最新の本、イーストコネクションと女性の健康で、彼および同僚は酵母菌カンジダ・アルビカンスと下記のどれかの既往歴を有するうつ病患者との極めて強力な関連がることを発見したと述べています。

•Use of antibiotics, especially long courses of antibiotics


•Use of birth control pills


•Persistent digestive distress


•Recurring vaginal yeast infections


vaginal yeast infections カンジダ膣炎

Dr. Crook made the fascinating discovery that 85 percent of women suffering from depression who had even one of the above elements in their history found relief from depression and a host of other symptoms by following his Anti-Candida Treatment Plan. Why? Let’s look at the cycle of yeast overgrowth in the body and how it affects various body systems, including brain chemistry.

クルック博士は、既往歴で上記の要素の一つでもあるうつ病患者女性の85%が彼の抗カンジダ治療計画に加わることによってうつ病及び多くの他の症状からの緩和を確認したことの素晴らしい発見をした。何故でしょうか? 体内のイースト(酵母菌)増殖のサイクル及び脳化学を含む様々な生体構造へのどのような影響するかを考察しよう。

It starts simply enough--you get sick and you take antibiotics or cortisone-containing drugs to feel better. You get sick again and take medications to treat your symptoms. This happens many times over a period of years. You may also be taking birth control pills. Over time, the natural, healthy balance of yeast and microorganisms in your intestinal tract alters its balance in response to the medications.



Antibiotics (literally meaning anti-life) indiscriminately kill bacteria throughout your system. This is good if you have bacterial pneumonia or an infected wound, because the "bad" bacteria could eventually threaten your life. However, the antibiotics also kill the "good" bacteria, especially those that live in your digestive tract and help digest your food. This upsets the natural balance of bacteria and yeast that usually live in harmony in your digestive tract, since yeast is not affected by antibiotics.

抗生物質(文字通り抗生命を意味する)は、あなたの身体を通じて無差別にバクテリアを殺す。あなたが細菌性肺炎及び感染性創である場合にはこれは良いことである。何故ならば、“悪い”バクテリアは究極的にあなたの生命を脅かすかもしれないからである。しかし、また、抗生物質は特に腸管に住んでいて食べ物の消化を助けるこれらの“良い”バクテリアを殺す。 イースト(酵母菌)は抗生物質の影響を受けないので、通常腸管で調和を保って生きているバクテリアとイースト(酵母菌)の自然なバランスを崩す。

bacterial pneumonia:細菌性肺炎
infected wound 感染創

The more often you take antibiotics or cortisone-containing drugs, the more disturbed your natural balance of intestinal flora. The medical term for this is dysbiosis.


dysbiosis 腸内菌共生バランス失調





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