Gluten and Depression
How does that work?
For many years, anecdotal evidence has linked depression and gluten (along with more serious mental disorders, including schizophrenia). Scientists, and doctors in particular pay little or no attention to this type of evidence, but new discoveries have begun to throw light on what's going on.
Clinical depression is linked with serotonin levels in the brain, leading to new types of anti-depressants, including SSRIs (Prozac is the most well known brand). But these new drugs have some problems. Although initially hailed as dependency-free and safe, there has been a worrying rise in suicide amongst users, and some patients have had difficulty in getting off them.
SSRIs:Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors 選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬
Serotonin is a natural substance produced in the body. This natural production is impaired or reduced in some, including depressives. The reasons are not yet completely clear, but 90% of serotonin production occurs in the digestive tract. So it begins to make sense that food might have an effect, either positive or negative, on serotonin production.
A report by Ron Hoggan M.A. & James Braly M.D. points to morphine-like substances caused by incomplete digestion of proteins in cereal grains and dairy products (called "exorphins"). It's thought these exorphins can be absorbed through the intestine - which might explain the psychiatric effects experienced by otherwise healthy people.
Ron Hoggan M.A.及びJames Braly M.Dによる報告はシリアルおよび乳製品の不完全タンパク質不完全消化に起因する“exorphins”と呼ばれるモルヒネ様物質を指摘している。これらのexorphinsは腸を通して吸収されることになると思われる。そのことは他の点で健常者よって体験される精神医学的作用を説明するかもしれない。
Another report by Alessio Fasano and Carlo Catassi talks about an "Asymptomatic Silent Form" of celiac disease (asymptomatic refers only to the lack of positive test results). Possible symptoms of this form of gluten intolerance are: iron deficiency, a tendency to depression, irritability, or impaired school performance in children, "feeling always tired," easy fatigue during exercise and reduced bone mineral density.
Alessio Fasano及びCarlo Catassiによる報告はセリアック病の“無症状サイレントフォーム”について話している。(無症状は陽性テスト反応の不足だけをリフーアーする)グルテン不耐症のこの形の可能性ある症状は、鉄欠乏、うつ病になりやすい傾向、過敏症、または子供の学業成績悪化、「常に疲れている感覚」、運動中の疲れやすさおよび骨塩量減少である。
celiac disease:セリアック病
gluten intolerance:グルテン不耐症
bone mineral density:骨塩量
In a lecture he gave in 2002, James V. Croxton, MA talked about new discoveries relating to previously ignored glial cells in the brain, which appear to be closely involved in the immune system and are directly affected by gliadin, part of the gluten found in wheat and other cereals.
2002年、James V. Croxton, MAの講義で、彼が以前は無視されていた脳のグリア細胞と関連する新発見について話した。 それは免疫系に密接に関与しているように見えて、小麦および他のシリアルにみられるグルテンの一部分、グリアジンよって直接影響を受ける。
glial cells:グリア細胞
Gluten-free diets (sometimes combined with dairy-free) have been used for autism, depression and schizophrenia with some success. Further research may bring a cure. For now, if you have this problem, why not try cutting out gluten for a few weeks?