Intraplantar injection of bergamot essential oil into the mouse hindpaw: effects on capsaicin-induced nociceptive behaviors
nociceptive behaviors 侵害受容行動
1: Int Rev Neurobiol. 2009;85:237-48
Sakurada T, Kuwahata H, Katsuyama S, Komatsu T, Morrone LA, Corasaniti MT, Bagetta G, Sakurada S.
First Department of Pharmacology, Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan.
Despite the increasing use of aromatherapy oils, there have not been many studies exploring the biological activities of bergamot (Citrus bergamia, Risso) essential oil (BEO). Recently, we have investigated the effects of BEO injected into the plantar surface of the hindpaw in the capsaicin test in mice. The intraplantar injection of capsaicin produced an intense and short-lived licking/biting response toward the injected hindpaw. The capsaicin-induced nociceptive response was reduced significantly by intraplantar injection of BEO.
biological activities 生物学的活性
plantar surface:底側面
nociceptive response 侵害反応
The essential oils of Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), Thyme ct. linalool (linalool chemotype of Thymus vulgaris), Lavender Reydovan (Lavandula hybrida reydovan), and True Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), had similar antinociceptive effects on the capsaicin-induced nociceptive response, while Orange Sweet (Citrus sinensis) essential oil was without effect.
クラリセージ(Salvia sclarea)、タイムリナロール(Thymus vulgarisのリナロール・ケモタイプ)、ラベンダー・レイドバン(Lavandula hybrida reydovan),及び真正ラベンダー(Lavandula angustifolia)の精油はカプサイシン誘発侵害反応に類似の抗侵害作用を有していて、一方、オレンジスイート(Citrus sinensis)精油は効果がなかった。
In contrast to a small number of pharmacological studies of BEO, there is ample evidence regarding isolated components of BEO which are also found in other essential oils. The most abundant compounds found in the volatile fraction are the monoterpene hydrocarbons, such as limonene, gamma-terpinene, beta-pinene, and oxygenated derivatives, linalool and linalyl acetate.Of these monoterpenes, the pharmacological activities of linalool have been examined.
volatile fraction 揮発性成分
oxygenated derivatives 酸素化誘導体
Following intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration in mice, linalool produces antinociceptive and antihyperalgesic effects in different animal models in addition to anti-inflammatory properties. Linalool also possesses anticonvulsant activity in experimental models of epilepsy. We address the importance of linalool or linalyl acetate in BEO-or the other essential oil-induced antinociception.
antinociceptive effects:抗侵害受容効果
antihyperalgesic effects 抗痛覚過敏効果
anticonvulsant activity 抗けいれん作用