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October 21, 2009


Aromatherapy in nursing and mental health care




There is well documented evidence for the increasing and widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of symptoms of both physical and mental disorders within Western populations. This paper aims to provide a focused review of recent literature on the use of one of these therapies, namely aromatherapy, in nursing and mental health care of people suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders.


The evidence base for the efficacy of aromatherapy used to treat these conditions remains poor with a particular paucity of methodologically rigorous studies. However, there are some promising results which suggest that further research is warranted to investigate the potential of essential oils in treating anxiety, depression and symptoms of stress. The experimentally designed inhalation studies are of particular importance as both health professionals and consumers demand more accurate and scientifically based information about the effects and safety of essential oils.


methodologically 方法論的
rigorous studies. 事例研究

Key Words

aromatherapy; complementary medicine; alternative medicine; anxiety; depression; nursing care



« ハートランド・ジェームズ氏の連続講座「より良きセラピストになるために」:1 | Main | 東京広尾日本赤十字社医療センター内日赤アロマ研究会で講演 »


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