Beta-eudesmol suppresses tumour growth through inhibition of tumour neovascularisation and tumour cell proliferation.
neovascularization 血管新生
J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2008 Jan-Feb;10(1-2):159-67.
Ma EL, Li YC, Tsuneki H, Xiao JF, Xia MY, Wang MW, Kimura I.
Department of Pharmacology, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, China. maenlong@hotmail.com
In the present study, we investigated the potential anti-angiogenic mechanism and anti-tumour activity of beta-eudesmol using in vitro and in vivo experimental models.
Proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) stimulated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, 30 ng/ml) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, 30 ng/ml) was significantly inhibited by beta-eudesmol (50-100 microM).
血管内皮細胞増殖因子(VEGF, 30 ng/ml)および塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子(bFGF, 30 ng/ml)で刺激されたヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞(HUVEC)の増殖は有意にβ-オイデスモール(50-100 microM). によって阻害された。
human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞(HUVEC)
vascular endothelial growth factor 血管内皮細胞増殖因子(VEGF,)
basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) 塩基性線維芽細胞増殖因子(bFGF)
Beta-eudesmol (100 microM) also blocked the phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) induced by VEGF (30 ng/ml) in HUVEC.
cAMP response element binding protein(CREB) cAMP応答配列結合タンパク質
Beta-eudesmol (10-100 microM) inhibited proliferation of HeLa, SGC-7901, and BEL-7402 tumour cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Moreover, beta-eudesmol treatment (2.5-5 mg/kg) significantly inhibited growth of H(22) and S(180) mouse tumour in vivo.
β-オイデスモール(10-100のmicroM)は時間-と用量依存的な方法でHeLa細胞、胃癌細胞株 SGC-7901および肝癌細胞の増殖を阻害した。さらに、β-オイデスモール治療(2.5-5mg/kg)は生体内で有意にH(22)およびS(180)マウス腫瘍増殖を阻害した。
HeLa :HeLa細胞(ヒーラさいぼう)・ヒト子宮頸癌由来の細胞株
These results indicated that beta-eudesmol inhibited angiogenesis by suppressing CREB activation in growth factor signalling pathway. This is the first study to demonstrate that beta-eudesmol is an inhibitor of tumour growth.
growth factor signalling pathway 増殖因子伝達経路