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November 24, 2010


Cedrelopsis grevei improves endothelial vasodilatation in aged rats through an increase of NO participation.


Cedrelopsis grevei:カタフレイ
endothelial 内皮の
vasodilatation 血管拡張


J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Apr 17;117(1):76-83. Epub 2008 Feb 2.

Mingorance C, Andriantsitohaina R, Alvarez de Sotomayor M.

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville, Spain. cmingorance@us.es



Cedrelopsis grevei Baill. (Ptaeroxylaceae) trunk bark extract is empirically used in Madagascar against several pathologies, from persistent catarrh to hypertension. The effect C. grevei extract on age-related changes in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and endothelial function was investigated.


hypertension 高血圧
endothelial function 内皮機能
systolic blood pressure (SBP):収縮期圧(SBP
age-related changes 加齢変化

Rats (90-100 week-old) received treatment either with C. grevei extract (80 mg kg(-1)) or vehicle for 8 weeks. SBP was evaluated by tail-cuff and vascular reactivity and endothelial vasodilatation of both aortae and small mesenteric arteries (SMA) were assessed by acetylcholine (ACh) in the presence or in the absence of either reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers superoxide dismutase (SOD) plus catalase or the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME).

ラット(90-100週間目)は8週間カタフレイ抽出物(80mgkg(-1))または媒介物のどちらかで治療を受けた。収縮期圧(SBP)はtail cuff法(非観血式自動血圧計)によって評価されて、動脈および腸間膜動脈(SMA)の両方の血管反応性と内皮血管拡張は、活性酸素種(ROS)スーパーオキシドディスムターゼ:抗酸化酵素プラスカタラーゼまたは一酸化窒素合成酵素阻害薬・NGニトロアルギニンメチルエステルのどちらかの存在または非存在でアセチルコリン(ACh)によって評価された。

vascular reactivity 血管反応性...
small mesenteric arteries(SMA) 腸間膜動脈(SMA
acetylcholine (ACh) アセチルコリン
reactive oxygen species (ROS) 活性酸素種(ROS)
SOD:Superoxide dismutase・スーパーオキシドディスムターゼ:抗酸化酵素
nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 一酸化窒素合成酵素阻害薬
catalase カタラーゼ
NG-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME).:NGニトロアルギニンメチルエステル

Plasma nitric oxide (NO) was evaluated by nitrite assay and expressions of eNOS, Cu/Zn-, Mn- and EC-SOD were determined by Western Blot. C. grevei administration prevented the increase of SBP and improved endothelium-dependent relaxations in aortae and SMA from aged rat via increased NO and decreased participation of ROS. Furthermore, C. grevei treatment enhanced plasma nitrite content but did not modify eNOS, Cu/Zn-, Mn- or EC-SOD expressions in the two arteries studied.


nitrite  亜硝酸塩
Western Blot ウェスタンブロット法
eNOS :内皮型NO合成酵素
endothelium-dependent relaxations 内皮依存性冠血管拡張作用

These results suggest that C. grevei prevents both increased blood pressure and age-related endothelial dysfunction supporting the empirical use of C. grevei trunk bark extract against mild hypertension often associated with aging.


PMID: 18325702 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]





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