Inhibition of pancreatic cancer growth by the dietary isoprenoids farnesol and geraniol.
pancreatic cancer 膵臓がん
Burke YD, Stark MJ, Roach SL, Sen SE, Crowell PL.
Department of Biology, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis 46202, USA.
Fruits and vegetables have protective effects against many human cancers, including pancreatic cancer. Isoprenoids are one class of phytochemicals which have antitumor activity, but little is known about their effects on cancer of the pancreas.
We tested the hypothesis that isoprenoids would inhibit the growth of pancreatic tumor cells. Significant (60-90%) inhibition of the anchorage-independent growth of human MIA PaCa2 pancreatic tumor cells was attained with 25 microM farnesol, 25 microM geranylgeraniol, 100 microM perillyl amine, 100 microM geraniol, or 300 microM perillyl alcohol.
我々はイソプレノイドが膵臓腫瘍細胞増殖を阻害するだろうとの仮説を検証した。ヒト膵臓癌由来細胞株(MIA PaCa2)の接着依存性増殖の有意な阻害(60-90%)は25 microM ファルネソール、, 25 microM ゲラニルゲラニオール, 100 microMペリルルアミン, 100 microM ゲラニオール or 300 microM ペリルルアルコールで達成した。
anchorage-independent growth 接着依存性増殖
MIA PaCa2 pancreatic tumor cells:膵臓癌由来細胞株(MIA PaCa2)
geranylgeraniol; ゲラニルゲラニオール
We then tested the relative in vivo antitumor activities of dietary farnesol, geraniol, and perillyl alcohol against transplanted PC-1 hamster pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Syrian Golden hamsters fed geraniol or farnesol at 20 g/kg diet exhibited complete inhibition of PC-1 pancreatic tumor growth. Both farnesol and geraniol were more potent than perillyl alcohol, which inhibited tumor growth by 50% at 40 g/kg diet.
我々は移植されたPC-1ハムスター膵臓腺癌に対して食用のファルネソール、ゲラニオールとperillylアルコールの相対的な生体内での抗腫瘍性の活性を試験した。20 g/kg食餌のゲラニオールまたはファルネソール飼育のシリアンゴールデンハムスターはPC-1膵臓腫瘍増殖の完全な阻害を示した。ファルネソールおよびゲラニオールは40 g/kg食餌で50%まで腫瘍増殖を阻害したペリルルアルコールより強力であった。
adenocarcinoma 腺癌
Neither body weights nor plasma cholesterol levels of animals consuming isoprenoid diets were significantly different from those of pair-fed controls. Thus, farnesol, geraniol, and perillyl alcohol suppress pancreatic tumor growth without significantly affecting blood cholesterol levels. These dietary isoprenoids warrant further investigation for pancreatic cancer prevention and treatment.
plasma cholesterol 血漿コレステロール
PMID: 9075204 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
リアノン ハリス女史来日セミナー:がん治療と緩和ケアにおけるアドバンス臨床アロマセラピーのセミナー3月25日(金)〜28日(月)(4日間)