Lipids, depression and suicide
Encephale. 2003 Jan-Feb;29(1):49-58.
Colin A, Reggers J, Castronovo V, Ansseau M.
Université de Liège, CUP La Clairière, Bertrix.
Polyunsatured fatty acids are made out of a hydrocarbonated chain of variable length with several double bonds. The position of the first double bond (omega) differentiates polyunsatured omega 3 fatty acids (for example: alpha-linolenic acid or alpha-LNA) and polyunsatured omega 6 fatty acids (for example: linoleic acid or LA). These two classes of fatty acids are said to be essential because they cannot be synthetised by the organism and have to be taken from alimentation. The omega 3 are present in linseed oil, nuts, soya beans, wheat and cold water fish whereas omega 6 are present in maize, sunflower and sesame oil.
多価不飽和脂肪酸は、いくつかの二重結合を有する可変的な長さの炭化水素鎖から作られている。最初の2重結合(オメガ)の位置は多価不飽和オメガ3脂肪酸(例えば:α-リノレン酸またはα- LNA)と多価不飽和オメガ6脂肪酸(例えば:リノール酸またはLA)を区別する。これら2種類の脂肪酸は生物体によって合成することができなくて栄養物から摂取しなければならないために必須脂肪酸あると言われている。オメガ3は亜麻油、ナッツ、大豆、小麦、一方、オメガ6はトウモロコシ、ヒマワリ油とごま油に含有している。
Fatty acids are part of phospholipids and, consequently, of all biological membranes. The membrane fluidity, of crucial importance for its functioning, depends on its lipidic components. Phospholipids composed of chains of polyunsatured fatty acids increase the membrane fluidity because, by bending some chains, double bonds prevent them from compacting themselves perfectly.
biological membranes 生体膜
lipidic components 脂質成分
Membrane fluidity is also determined by the phospholipids/free cholesterol ratio, as cholesterol increases membrane viscosity. A diet based on a high proportion of essential polyunsatured fatty acids (fluid) would allow a higher incorporation of cholesterol (rigid) in the membranes to balance their fluidity, which would contribute to lower blood cholesterol levels. Brain membranes have a very high content in essential polyunsatured fatty acids for which they depend on alimentation.
free cholesterol 遊離コレステロール
phospholipids リン脂質
Membrane fluidity 膜流動性
blood cholesterol levels 血中コレステロール
Brain membranes 脳膜
alimentation 栄養
Any dietary lack of essential polyunsatured fatty acids has consequences on cerebral development, modifying the activity of enzymes of the cerebral membranes and decreasing efficiency in learning tasks.
cerebral development 脳の発達
リアノン ハリス女史来日セミナー:がん治療と緩和ケアにおけるアドバンス臨床アロマセラピーのセミナー3月25日(金)〜28日(月)(4日間)