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April 14, 2012


Two brains are better than one. At least that is the rationale for the close - sometimes too close - relationship between the human body's two brains, the one at the top of the spinal cord and the hidden but powerful brain in the gut known as the enteric nervous system.


enteric nervous system 腸神経系

For Dr. Michael D. Gershon, the author of "The Second Brain" and the chairman of the department of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia, the connection between the two can be unpleasantly clear. "Every time I call the National Institutes of Health to check on a grant proposal," Dr. Gershon said, "I become painfully aware of the influence the brain has on the gut."

「第二の脳」の著者でありコロンビア大学の解剖・細胞生物学部教授のDr. Michael D. Gershon博士にとって、2つの脳との関係は不愉快にも明確であります。私が国立衛生研究所に研究助成金について調査の電話をかけるたびに、私は脳が腸に影響することを痛いほど知ります。とDr. Gershonは述べた。

In fact, anyone who has ever felt butterflies in the stomach before giving a speech, a gut feeling that flies in the face of fact or a bout of intestinal urgency the night before an examination has experienced the actions of the dual nervous systems.


butterflies in the stomach:緊張して落ちつかない

The connection between the brains lies at the heart of many woes, physical and psychiatric. Ailments like anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and Parkinson's disease manifest symptoms at the brain and the gut level.


"The majority of patients with anxiety and depression will also have alterations of their GI function," said Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor of medicine, physiology and psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.

また、大多数の不安およびうつ病患者は彼らの胃腸機能の変性がありますと、カルフォニア大学ロサンゼルス校、医学、生理学と精神医学の教授のDr. Emeran Mayer,は述べた。

A study in 1902 showed changes in the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract in cats confronted by growling dogs.


One system's symptoms - and cures - may affect the other. Antidepressants, for example, cause gastric distress in up to a quarter of the people who take them. Butterflies in the stomach are caused by a surge of stress hormones released by the body in a "fight or flight" situation. Stress can also overstimulate nerves in the esophagus, causing a feeling of choking.


Dr. Gershon, who coined the term "second brain" in 1996, is one of a number of researchers who are studying brain-gut connections in the relatively new field of neurogastroenterology. New understandings of the way the second brain works, and the interactions between the two, are helping to treat disorders like constipation, ulcers and Hirschprung's disease.

1996年に「第2の脳」用語を造語したDr. Gershonは、比較的新しい分野の神経消化器病学で脳と腸との関係を研究している多くの研究者の内の1人です。第2の脳の働き方および2つ脳との相互作用の新たな理解は便秘、潰瘍および先天性の腸管蠕動不全のような疾病を治療することに役立ちます。

neurogastroenterology 神経消化器病学
Hirschsprung's disease:先天性の腸管蠕動不全

The role of the enteric nervous system is to manage every aspect of digestion, from the esophagus to the stomach, small intestine and colon. The second brain, or little brain, accomplishes all that with the same tools as the big brain, a sophisticated nearly self-contained network of neural circuitry, neurotransmitters and proteins.

enteric nervous system 腸神経系

The independence is a function of the enteric nervous system's complexity.


"Rather than Mother Nature's trying to pack 100 million neurons someplace in the brain or spinal cord and then sending long connections to the GI tract, the circuitry is right next to the systems that require control," said Jackie D. Wood, professor of physiology, cell biology and internal medicine at Ohio State.

「母なる自然が脳または脊髄のどこかにある1億のニューロンをたばねて、次に消化管に接続するのに時間の係る伝達するより、神経回路は管理を必要とする系のちょうど隣においてあります。」とオハイオ州立大学、生理学、細胞生物学および内科学の教授、Jackie D. Wood,は述べた。

GI tract:胃腸管; 消化管
cell biology 細胞生物学

Two brains may seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they make literal and evolutionary sense.


evolutionary 進化上の, 進化的な

"What brains do is control behavior," Dr. Wood said. "The brain in your gut has stored within its neural networks a variety of behavioral programs, like a library. The digestive state determines which program your gut calls up from its library and runs."

「脳がすることは行動を管理することです。」とDr. Wood博士は述べた。あなたの腸内の脳は図書館のように神経回路網内に様々の行動プログラムを保存していた。消化状態はあなたの腸が図書館かどのプログラムを呼び出して実行するかを決めます。

When someone skips lunch, the gut is more or less silent. Eat a pastrami sandwich, and contractions all along the small intestines mix the food with enzymes and move it toward the lining for absorption to begin. If the pastrami is rotten, reverse contractions will force it - and everything else in the gut - into the stomach and back out through the esophagus at high speed.

誰かが昼食を抜くと、腸は大体静かになります。パストラーミ サンドイッチを食べると、小腸に沿ってすべて収縮して、酵素と食べ物を混ぜあわせて、吸収を始めるためにそれは内腸被膜に向けて移動します。パストラーミが腐っている場合は、強制的に逆の収縮が起こって、腸の全ての物は胃に逆流し、高速で食道を通って外にでます。

In each situation, the gut must assess conditions, decide on a course of action and initiate a reflex.


"The gut monitors pressure," Dr. Gershon said. "It monitors the progress of digestion. It detects nutrients, and it measures acid and salts. It's a little chemical lab."

「腸は圧を監視すると」Dr. Gershonは述べた。「腸は消化過程を監視し、栄養素を検出し、酸及び塩を測定する。これは小さな化学実験室である。」

The enteric system does all this on its own, with little help from the central nervous system.



The Other Brain Also Deals With Many Woes







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