The enteric nervous system was first described in 1921 by Dr. J. N. Langley, a British physician who believed that it was one of three parts - along with the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems - of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary behaviors like breathing and circulation. In this triad, the enteric nervous system was seen as something of a tag-along to the other two.
腸神経系は英国医師のDr. J. N. Langley博士によって1921年に記述された。彼は腸神経系が副交感神経および交感神経系と並んで呼吸および循環などの不随的行動を管理する自律神経系3つの部分の一つであると考えていた。
After Langley died, scientists more or less forgot about the enteric nervous system. Years later, when Dr. Gershon reintroduced the concept and suggested that the gut might use some of the same neurotransmitters as the brain, his theory was widely ridiculed.
"It was like saying that New York taxi drivers never miss a showing of 'Tosca' at the Met," he recalled.
By the early 80's, scientists had accepted the idea of the enteric nervous system and the role of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the gut.
It is no surprise that there is a direct relationship between emotional stress and physical distress. "Clinicians are finally acknowledging that a lot of dysfunction in GI disorders involves changes in the central nervous system," said Gary M. Mawe, a professor of anatomy and neurobiology at the University of Vermont.
感情的ストレスと身体的ストレスとの直接的関係があることは不思議ではない。「臨床医は、胃腸障害における多くの機能障害は中枢神経系の変調を伴うことをついに認めていますとバーモント大学、解剖学および神経生物学の教授、Gary M. Mawe,は述べた。
GI disorders 胃腸障害
The big question is which comes first, physiology or psychology?
The enteric and central nervous systems use the same hardware, as it were, to run two very different programs. Serotonin, for instance, is crucial to feelings of well-being. Hence the success of the antidepressants known as S.S.R.I.'s that raise the level of serotonin available to the brain.
SSRI :Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors; SSRI):選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬・抗うつ薬の一種
But 95 percent of the body's serotonin is housed in the gut, where it acts as a neurotransmitter and a signaling mechanism. The digestive process begins when a specialized cell, an enterochromaffin, squirts serotonin into the wall of the gut, which has at least seven types of serotonin receptors. The receptors, in turn, communicate with nerve cells to start digestive enzymes flowing or to start things moving through the intestines.
signaling mechanismシグナル伝達機構
Serotonin also acts as a go-between, keeping the brain in the skull up to date with what is happening in the brain below. Such communication is mostly one way, with 90 percent traveling from the gut to the head.
Many of those messages are unpleasant, and serotonin is involved in sending them. Chemotherapy drugs like doxorubicin, which is used to treat breast cancer, cause serotonin to be released in the gut, leading to nausea and vomiting. "The gut is not an organ from which you wish to receive frequent progress reports," Dr. Gershon said.
Serotonin is also implicated in one of the most debilitating gut disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, or I.B.S., which causes abdominal pain and cramping, bloating and, in some patients, alternating diarrhea and constipation.
"You can run any test you want on people with I.B.S., and their GI tracts look essentially normal," Dr. Mawe said. The default assumption has been that the syndrome is a psychosomatic disease.
「過敏性腸症候群の患者にあなたが望むあらゆる検査をして、それらの胃腸管は本質的に正常に見えるとDr. Mawe博士は述べた。不履行の想定は症候群が心身症であるいうことでした。
psychosomatic disease 心身症
But it turns out that irritable bowel syndrome, like depression, is at least in part a function of changes in the serotonin system. In this case, it is too much serotonin rather than too little.
In a healthy person, after serotonin is released into the gut and initiates an intestinal reflex, it is whisked out of the bowel by a molecule known as the serotonin transporter, or SERT, found in the cells that line the gut wall.
健常な人で、 セロトニンが腸に放出されて腸の反射を始める後に、それは腸壁にならんでいる細胞にみられるセロトニン輸送体、またはSERTとして知られている分子によって腸から払いのけられる。
Serotonin transporter:セロトニン輸送体
intestinal reflex 腸の反射
People with irritable bowel syndrome do not have enough SERT, so they wind up with too much serotonin floating around, causing diarrhea.
The excess serotonin then overwhelms the receptors in the gut, shutting them down and causing constipation.
When Dr. Gershon, whose work has been supported by Novartis, studied mice without SERT, he found that they developed a condition very much like I.B.S. in humans.
によって支援されたDr. Gershon博士の研究はセルトニンのないマウスを研究したとき、彼はヒトの過敏性大腸症候群と同様な症状を発症した。
Several new serotonin-based drugs - intestinal antidepressants, in a way - have brought hope for those with chronic gut disorders.
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