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April 19, 2012


Another mechanism that lends credence to physiology as the source of intestinal dysfunctions is the system of mast cells in the gut that have an important role in immune response.


mast cells:肥満細胞、マスト細胞

"During stress, trauma or 'fight or flight' reactions, the barrier between the lumen, the interior of the gut where food is digested, and the rest of the bowel could be broken, and bad stuff could get across," Dr. Wood said. "So the big brain calls in more immune surveillance at the gut wall by activating mast cells."

「ストレス状態、トラウマまたは闘争か逃避の反応で、腸の内腔、食物が消化される内部と他の腸とのバリアが壊れて、有害菌が浸透することになるだろうとDr. Wood博士は述べた。「したがって、大きな脳は肥満細胞活性化によって腸壁にある多くの免疫監視機構に援助を求めます」

fight or flight' reaction 闘争か逃避の反応
immune surveillance:免疫監視機構

These mast cells release histamines and other inflammatory agents, mobilizing the enteric nervous system to expel the perceived intruders, and causing diarrhea.


Inflammation induced by mast cells may turn out to be crucial in understanding and treating GI disorders. Inflamed tissue becomes tender. A gut under stress, with chronic mast cell production and consequent inflammation, may become tender, as well.


In animals, Dr. Mawe said, inflammation makes the sensory neurons in the gut fire causing a kind of sensory hyperactivity. "I have a theory that some chronic disorders may be caused by something like attention deficit disorder in the gut," he said.

動物で、炎症が腸の知覚神経をさらに多く炎症させて、ある種知覚の多動性を引き起こすとDr. Mawe博士は述べた。ある慢性胃腸疾患は腸内で注意欠陥障害のようなものによって引き起こされているのかもしれない。

attention deficit disorder 注意欠陥障害

Dr. Gershon, too, theorizes that physiology is the original culprit in brain-gut dysfunctions. "We have identified molecular defects in the gut of everyone who has irritable bowel syndrome," he said. "If you were chained by bloody diarrhea to a toilet seat, you, too, might be depressed."


molecular defects 分子欠陥
bloody diarrhea:血性下痢

Still, psychology clearly plays a role. Recent studies suggest that stress, especially early in life, can cause chronic GI diseases, at least in animals. "If you put a rat on top of a little platform surrounded by water, which is very stressful for a rat, it develops the equivalent of diarrhea," Dr. Mayer said.

さらに、心理学は明らかに役割を演じています。特に幼少期のストレスは少なくとも動物で慢性消化器疾患を引き起こすことになると最新研究は示唆しています。ラットにとって極めてストレスが多い水に囲まれた小さなプラットフォーム上に置かれると、下痢症状を発症しますとDr. Mayer博士は述べました。

Another experiment showed that when young rats were separated from their mothers, the layer of cells that line the gut, the same barrier that is strengthened by mast cells during stress, weakened and became more permeable, allowing bacteria from the intestine to pass through the bowel walls and stimulate immune cells.


young rats 若年ラット
bowel walls:腸管壁

"In rats, it's an adaptive response," Dr. Mayer said. "If they're born into a stressful, hostile environment, nature programs them to be more vigilant and stress responsive in their future life."

「ラットではそれが適応応答になりますとDr. Mayer博士は述べた。ラットがストレスの多い厳しい環境に生まれると、より用心深くなって将来の生活でより活発にストレス反応するように自然がプログラムしているとDr. Mayer博士は述べた。」

He said up to 70 percent of the patients he treats for chronic gut disorders had experienced early childhood traumas like parents' divorces, chronic illnesses or parents' deaths. "I think that what happens in early life, along with an individual's genetic background, programs how a person will respond to stress for the rest of his or her life," he said.


Either way, what is good for one brain is often good for the other, too. A team of researchers from Penn State University recently discovered a possible new direction in treating intestinal disorders, biofeedback for the brain in the gut.



In an experiment published in a recent issue of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Robert M. Stern, a professor of psychology at Penn State, found that biofeedback helped people consciously increase and enhance their gastrointestinal activity. They used the brains in their heads, in other words, to help the brains in their guts, proving that at least some of the time two brains really are better than one.

神経消化器病と運動性と運動性の最新号で公表された実験で、ペンシルベニア州立大学心理学教授、Robert M. Sternはバイオフィードバックが意識的にヒトの消化管活動を増加および増強させることに役立つことを解明した。彼らは自分の脳を用いて、言い換えれば、彼らの腸の脳を助けて、少なくとも時々、2つ脳が実際に一つの脳よりよいことを証明した。

gastrointestinal activity 消化管活動


The Other Brain Also Deals With Many Woes







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