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August 20, 2012


10.Karma, Attitude, and Emotions


The Edgar Cayce readings give a clear message that the causes of disease and sources of health extend beyond the physical to the mental and spiritual aspects of self. Mental attitudes, emotions, and the Law of Karma affect mind,body , and spirit.


A central concept of readings is that each human being embodies a spirit or soul, a part of the Source of all life and health. The readings used several terms to Describe that source: Creative Force, the Universal Forces, or God. Each individual for a whom readings was given was described as an “entity” –a being exsiting as a trinity of body, mind, and spirit. Just as the readings define physical health as harmonious, balanced cooperation between the constituents of the body, so do they emphasize the need for harmony between the three aspects of self in order to create and preserve health and to alleviate disease.

リーディングの中心概念は、それぞれの人が霊性または魂、生きとし生けるものおよび健康のある部分の源を具現化するということです。そのリーディングは、その源について記述するためにいくつかの用語を使用しました: 創造力、宇宙の力、または神。各個人に与えられたリーディングには身体、心および霊性の三位一体として存在している「エンティティ・実体)」と記載されていた。ちょうどリーディングが身体的健康を身体の構成要素間の調和のとれた均衡ある協調として定義するように、彼らは健康の創造と維持および病気の緩和をするために自己の3つの面の調和の必要を強調します

Creative Force 創造力
the Universal Force 宇宙の力

The body, the mind, the soul are one within the physical forces; for the body is indeed the temple of the Living God. In each entity there is that portion which is part of Universal Forces, and is that which lives on. All must coordinate and cooperate.(1593-1)


One of the remarkable implications of above message is that the soul is as integral a part of our physical existence as are the material organs of the body. It is equally remarkable that a part of each of us is also a part of infinite and divine Universal Force, that which creates all life. “ That which is brought into materiality is first conceived in the spirit” (3395-2)


Cayce held that the body and mind come into being for the purpose of manifesting the soul in the realm of materiality, not just once but through successive lifetimes. The experience of different minds and bodies enables the soul to become more and more attuned with the spiritual Sources.


the realm of materiality 物質の領域

According to Cayce, Law of Karma refers to the causes and effects of thoughts, emotions, and actions, especially those that carry over from one lifetime to another; “Karma is that brought over, while causes and effects may exist in one material experience only” (2981-21). Until an entity achieves full attunement with God, the principle of karma operates from moment to moment, hour to hour, and from lifetime to lifetime. All the experience in material life can create karma, which Cayce also termed a “constant meeting of self.” As a further explanation of karma, Cayce often cited the biblical passage from Paul:“..for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall a reap.”

における全ての経験は、また、ケイシーが”自己の絶え間ない出会い”と名付けたカルマを創造します。カルマのさらなる説明として、ケイシーは、しばしばポールから聖書の章句を引用しました:「 蒔いたものは刈らねばならない」

material life 物質的な人生

Through the “constant meeting of self” and reaping what is sown, actions and disturbances of mind and spirit create physical disease. The effects of attitude And emotion on body are often obvious. Anger brings on headache or indigestion ; depression results in general weariness; emotional turbulence triggers asthmatic conditions. Cayce found numerous examples of the direct effect attitudes and emotions have on the body.


To be sure the attitudes oft influence the physical condition of the body. No one can hate his neighbor and not have stomach or liver trouble. One cannot be jealous and allow anger of same and not have upset digestion or heart disorder.(4021-1).


Within the past century, the relationship of mental attitudes and emotion to bodily disease has been gradually recognized and studied by medical science.Science terms this relationship “psychosomatic<” from the Greek words “psyche,” meaning mind, and “soma,” body.


mental attitude 精神的態度








« ストレス、重い負担、過度の努力:エドガー・ケイシーの病気の原因、11項目の9 | Main | カルマ、態度、感情:エドガー・ケイシーの病気の原因、11項目の10-2 »


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