A Slow, Loving, 'Affective' Touch May Be Key to a Healthy Sense of Self. Science daily より
Healthy Sense of Self 健全な自己感覚
A loving touch, characterized by a slow caress or stroke -- often an instinctive gesture from a mother to a child or between partners in romantic relationships -- may increase the brain's ability to construct a sense of body ownership and, in turn, play a part in creating and sustaining a healthy sense of self.
These findings come from a new study published online in Frontiers of Psychology, led by Neuropsychoanalysis Centre Director Dr. Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulou, University College London, and NPSA grantee Dr. Paul Mark Jenkinson of the Department of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire in the UK.
これらの研究結果はFrontiers of Psychologyのオンラインに発表されたしい研究によります。この研究は神経精神分析センター所長Dr. Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulou、ロンドン大学および英国のハートフォードシャー大学、心理学科、NPSA受領者Dr. Paul Mark Jenkinsonの主導で行われた。
The study, of 52 healthy adults, used a common experimental technique known as the rubber hand illusion, in which participants' brains are tricked into believing that a strategically placed rubber hand is their own. As they watch the rubber hand being stroked in synchrony with their own, they begin to think that the fake hand belongs to them. This technique demonstrates the changeable nature of the brain's perception of the body.
rubber hand illusion ラバーハンド錯覚
Affective touch, characterised by slow speed tactile stimulation of the skin (between 1 and 10cm per second) has been previously correlated with pleasant emotion and has also been seen to improve symptoms of anxiety and other emotional symptoms in certain groups of adults and infants. Dr. Fotopoulou's team wanted to test whether affective touch would affect the brain's understanding of the body and body ownership.
皮膚の低速触覚刺激(毎秒1 と10cmとの間)によって特徴づけられる情動性タッチは、以前に快情動と相関していて、また、成人および幼児の特定郡において不安症状や他の情動的症状の改善が見られたことを確認した。Dr. Fotopoulou'sのチームは、情動性タッチが身体および身体の所有感の脳理解に影響を及ぼうすかどうかを検査することを望んでいた。
tactile stimulation 触覚刺激
The team adapted the 'rubber hand' technique to incorporate four different types of touch, including a synchronized and asynchronized, slow, affective touch and a faster neutral touch, again in synchronous and asynchronous patterns. Participants were also asked to complete a standardized 'embodiment' questionnaire, to measure their subjective experience during the experiment.
The results confirmed previous findings that slow, light touch is perceived as being more pleasant than fast touch. More importantly, the study demonstrated that slow tactile stimulation made participants more likely to believe that the rubber hand was their own, compared with the faster neutral touch.
The perception of affective touch in the brain is one of a number of interoceptive signals that help us monitor homeostasis. This study provides new evidence to support the existing idea that interoceptive signals, such as affective touch, play an important role in how the brain learns to construct a mental picture and an understanding of the body, which ultimately helps to create a coherent sense of self.
nteroceptive signals:内受容性シグナル
Decreased sensitivity to and awareness of interoceptive signals, such as affective touch, have been linked to body image problems, unexplained pain, anorexia nervosa and bulimia."As affective touch is typically received from a loved one, these findings further highlight how close relationships involve behaviors that may play a crucial role in the construction of a sense of self," said Laura Crucianelli, the researcher who carried out the study.
unexplained pain 原因不明の痛み
anorexia nervosa:拒食症、神経性無食欲症
"The next step for our team," concluded Dr. Katerina Fotopoulou, "is to examine whether being deprived of social signals, such as affective touch from a parent during early development, may also lead to abnormalities in the formation of a healthy body image and a healthy sense of self, for example in patients with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa."
“Dr. Katerina Fotopoulou博士が結論づけたように”、私たちのチームの次のステップは、また、幼児期発達中に親からの情動性タッチなどの社会的信号を奪われることは、例えば拒食症などの摂食障害の患者で、健康的ボディーイメージおよび健康的な自己意識の形成の異常に結びつくかどうかを調べることであった。
Boosting interoceptive awareness and an individual's sense of body ownership could be key to developing future treatments for some of these conditions, and the sensation of 'affective touch' could play an important role.
Interoceptive awareness:内受容感覚への気づき
Interoceptive awarenessの訳語を調べているときに見つけた
独立行政法人国立精神・神経医療研究センター 脳病態統合イメージングセンターより
Damasioらは、特にWilliams Jamesらの考え方をベースにして、意思決定や意識、主観的な感情体験などは、身体の状態を基礎として形成される、という一連の考えを提唱している[23]。
特に「ソマティック・マーカー仮説」と呼ばれる考え方(意志決定は「合理的、理性的」になされると考えられがちであるが、実際は、無意識のうちに起こる身体的な反応がそのオプションを絞り込み、合理的思考が働くのはそのあとである、という考え)は多くの支持を呼んだ。また、DamasioやCraigは、島皮質が、身体表象から主観的な感情体験を生み出すもとであると考えている。Craigは、「内受容感覚」への気づき(Interoceptive awareness)が情動・意識を生み出すもとであり、それには前島皮質が関与しているというエビデンスを詳細にレビューし、従来不明な部分が多かった島皮質の機能を明るみにしたものとして注目されている[16] [17]。
100年以上前から続く、James-Lange、 Schachter-Singerなどの情動理論からは、やはり心身が不可分で密接につながっているという認識から、情動や意識の問題を扱っていたのだが、現在になってその考えが見直されてきている。今後は、身体→脳、脳→身体という双方向のダイナミズムが脳科学の研究の対象になっていき、心身症の病態解明にすすむことが予想される。
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