Cosmic LAWS - GOD's Orderより
The seven Cosmic Laws of Hermes Trismegistos = Thot
(Hermetic Laws)
All Philosophy is based on seven Cosmic Laws. Thot, the Egyptian God of WISDOM = Hermes Trismegistos, "The triple great Hermes" of the ancient Greeks, had once written them down on Emerald Tables, so that MEN would know and follow them. These tables have not been found up to this day.
These LAWS are valid in all of CREATION, in all Planes of Being. They are eternal and unchangeable. But above all LAWS stands the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND THE GRACE OF GOD, able to transcent all LAWS!
1. The Principle of SPIRIT ( MIND)
Everything is Spiritual. The Source of LIFE is CREATIVE SPIRIT, without bounds and limitations. The Universe is mental. Spirit / Mind stands above matter - rules matter.
The Consciousness determines the BEING. Thoughts are creative and changing powers; they are the means of CREATION. The IMAGINATION creates in Visualization. The intensity of the inner wishing and longing is an important factor of CREATION. And just like HIS WORD, MAN's WORD creates, too - as the action of his mind. So every MAN is able to leave his state of ignorance and consciously enter the STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE at any time, thus accepting the Heritage of MAN's PERFECTION and of CREATION. He thus changes his world and creates it new.
Be aware of your thoughts - they can create and destroy! Be conscious of your responsibility! Which thoughts and words come from you? What do you CREATE with them? Are they worlds of LOVE - creatures of LOVE?
あなたの思考に気づけー思考は創造し、破壊します! あなたの責任を意識しなさい!どの思考と言葉があなたから出てくるのか?それらで何を創造するのですか?それらは愛の世界・愛の創造主ですか?
2. The Principle of Cause and Effect = KARMA
Each cause has an effect - each effect has its cause. Each action has a certain energy which requires that the like energy returns to its source, to its creator.
The effect equals the cause in quality and quantity. 'Equal creates equal'. Action = Reaction. The cause can be on many different planes. Everything happens in accordance to the LAW. Each MAN is CREATOR, carrier and surmounter of his fate. Every thought, every feeling, every action is a cause which has an effect. So there is no blame, no guilt or fault, no sin, no 'chance' and no luck - only cause and effect. Between the cause and its effect many centuries and incarnations could extend - as TIME does not exist. "Luck" and "chance" are expressions of a LAW not yet acknowledged.
Why do you have certain traits? Where do your patterns of behaviour derive from? Be aware of the effect of all your thoughts, feelings and actions! Let go of hatred, aggressiveness and fear and open yourself to Unconditional TRUST and LOVE. You alone are responsible for yourself!
何故あなたには特定な素質があるのですか?行動のパターンはどこから由来しているのですか? 全てのあなたの思考、感情、および行動の結果に注意してください。憎しみ、攻撃性および恐れを手放して、無条件の信頼および愛に自分自身を開いてください。自己責任があるのはあなただけです。
3. The Principle of Correspondence or Analogy
As above - so below, as below - so above. As within - so without, as without - so within. As in great - so in small, as in small, so in great.
For everthing there is in this world, there exists an analogy on every plane of BEING. So you can realize the great in the small, and the smallest in the greatest. The way you are yourself determines the way you experience the ouside world. Vice versa, the outside world is your mirror. When Du change, everything around you will change
4. The Principle of Resonance or Attraction
Like attracts like and will be enforced by like. Unlike repels each other. Your personal behaviour determines your personal conditions and the total conditions of your life.
Negativity attracts more negativity, darkness attracts more darkness, aggression attracts aggression, hate attracts hate, sorrow attracts sorrow, addiction attracts addiction, so if you do not stop, reconsider and reverse your path, your negativity will increase, leading into a downward spiral that - at a certain point - cannot be stopped and leads into depression, desperation, desaster and death.
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