この記事のなかで臓器の電気力のことが書いてあります。この電気力のことは周波数のことかと思いました。以前のブログ「精油の周波数」では健康な人の人体平均周波数は62 から 68 Hzと書いていました。これが低下すると病気になり、精油は人体の周波数を上げることが可能できるそうです。このような考え方があることを知りました。バイオレット光線も周波数を有しているので同じようなことが起きるのかと思いました。
The Violet Ray
Edgar Cayce Health Care
Education And Information Relating To Edgar Cayce Health Readings
Whatever happened to the violet ray, an electrical appliance recommended in over 900 Cayce readings? Once in common usage by physicians, now it is virtually a forgotten tool of conventional health care.
violet ray バイオレット光線
The Violet Ray was recommended in the readings for a host of disorders– poor circulation, nervous disorders, arthritis and rheumatism, hair and skin disorders, problems with digestion and elimination, female reproductive disorders, prostate disease, cataracts-even possession and schizophrenia. One of the most frequent recommendations concerned problems related to poor circulation. When the violet ray is applied, the resultant surge of blood to oxygen-starved tissues stimulates lymphatic and capillary circulation, clearing cellular toxins and strengthening body organs. Duration of treatment ranges from one to thirty minutes.
cataract 白内障
possession 憑依
The violet ray appliance is usually a hand-held device with a variety of glass applicators, such as the comb-rake and the bulb, which can be inserted in the base and used on the part of the body being treated. When the machine is turned on, a violet-colored electrical charge can be seen. It emits warmth.
hand-held device 手動操作機器
This high frequency appliance uses a sophisticated coil invented by the renowned scientist Nikola Tesla. It acts in a manner similar to a spark coil in a car. Utilizing a transformer the voltage is increased dramatically as it moves through the resonating coil. The device’s bulb contains a gas that ionizes and produces charged particles and that emanate from the surface. This combination of charged particles and high frequency produces a mild heating effect in the body. This heating of body tissue, called diathermy, increases the circulation, dilates superficial blood vessels, and promotes healing.
この高周波機器は、有名な科学者Nikola Teslaによって発明された洗練されたコイルを使用しています。それは自動車の点火コイルと同様に作用する。変圧器を利用すると、電圧が共振コイルを通って移動する際に電圧が劇的に増加する。装置の電球には、電離して荷電粒子を産生し、表面から発するガスが含まれています。荷電粒子と高周波のこの組み合わせは、体内で軽度の加熱効果をもたらす。ジアテルミーと呼ばれる身体組織のこの加熱は、循環を増加させ、表面血管を拡張し、治癒を促進する。
charged particles 荷電粒子
ionizes イオン化する、電離する。
A Cayce reading for a man with poor circulation recommended that he use the violet ray over the lower limbs every evening: “In five to six weeks, we will find the body more active mentally and physically and better fitted for physical activities.” (137-1)When recommended for someone with arthritis, it was said to relax the body, energize the nerves, and supply additional oxygen to cells and tissues. Generally the individual was advised to apply the bulb over the area where arthritic pain was felt, and along the spine.
The Violet Ray was recommended as a tonic for exhaustion and lethargy: This will give the ‘pick up’ or the stimulation that is needed for what might be called the recharging of the centers along the cerebrospinal system…” (1196-17) “To do this will prevent the central nervous system as to make for better coordination between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nervous system.” This would strengthen and revitalize the entire body, giving “incentives to the nerve centers to become rejuvenated again….. ” (269-1)
exhaustion 疲労
lethargy 無気力
cerebrospinal system 脳脊髄系
According to Dr. McGarey, the violet ray was very common in the early 19OOs–and easily obtained from electrical and drug-supply houses nationwide – but today, since the rise in pharmaceutical medicine, it is far less common.
Venture Inward editor A. Robert Smith recalls being treated, as a child, with the violet ray machine for an earache and other conditions. “Our family physician, who was my grandfather, believed in the violet ray. He had a violet ray machine the size of an X-ray machine, as I recall it, and I would lie down underneath it while getting a treatment for my ear. It was painless, and I remember the neat part for me, as a kid, was having to wear goggles like an airplane pilot to protect my eyes from the light. I think he used it on my knee when I fell and had some deep abrasions. My sister recalls being treated for jaundice. It was a standard therapy in his office.”
Venture Inward 雑誌編集者 A.ロバート・スミスは幼児のように耳痛みやその他の症状のためにバイオレット光線装置で治療されたことを思い出します。「私の祖父であった私たちの家庭医はバイオレット光線を信じていました。私がそれを思い出すことに、彼がX線装置のサイズのバイオレット光線装置を持っていて、耳の治療を受けている間、私はその下に横たわっていました。それは痛かなくて、子供は光から眼を守るために飛行機のパイロットのようなゴーグルを着用しなければならなかったので、私とっては素敵な部分であることを覚えています。私が倒れて、いくつかの深い擦り傷になった時に、彼を膝の上で使っていたと思います。私の妹は黄疸の治療を思い出します。彼の診療所では標準的治療法でした」
earache 耳痛
abrasions 擦り傷
Dr. McGarey says, “it was once a favorite among osteopathic physicians to control infection without the use of antibiotics. Interestingly enough, scientists are only now beginning to recognize the profound power of light introduced into tissues to dissipate infection.”
osteopathic physicians オステオパシー医師
In fact, the medical science has confirmed what Cayce said: that the human body is a composite of electromagnetic vibrations. The characteristics of this electromagnetic flow within the body-today measured by sophisticated laboratory instruments-were foretold in great detail by Cayce, long before such technology existed.
Composite 複合物
This vibration might be visualized as an electromagnetic cloak that shields us from head to toe. Disturbances in this force field signal the beginnings of physical weakness and disease. Cayce noted in one reading that when the electrical force in an organ becomes weak in its ability to reproduce the balance necessary for the support of the physical body, that portion becomes deficient.
Conversely, if the electrical forces in the body are balanced, the body chemistry, the organs, tissues, bones, and nerves remain in a state of health. As a result, electricity was often recommended by the readings as an important therapeutic method for stimulating the body to heal. Dr. McGarey theorizes that “the primary healing effect of the Violet Ray is accomplished through it’s balancing and rejuvenating effect in the body’s electromagnetic shield.”
Due to its ability to heal skin tissue, skin specialists across the county still use the violet ray on clients with acne. Beauticians use it to increase the circulation in the scalp and stimulate hair growth in clients with “falling hair” or baldness.
肌の組織を治す力があるため、全国的に皮膚専門医は、依然として、にきびの患者さんにバイオレット光線を使用します。美容師は光線を使用して頭皮の循環を増加させ、 "抜け毛"または脱毛症で顧客の髪の成長を刺激する。
Bill Newlin, and A.R.E. Member from Ardmore, Pennsylvania, owns several violet ray machines, including one he found in a garage sale. It still works
Bill Newlin、A.R.E。ペンシルベニア州アードモアのメンバーは、ガレージセールで見つけたものを含め、いくつかのバイオレット光線装置を所有しています。それはまだ動いています。
内なるドクター―自然治癒力を発動させる、奇跡の処方箋 単行本 – 2002/11/30
マジョラムCO2 5ml・精油(バイオレットボトル充填)
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