ワクチン接種者はどのようにデルタ株を広めるのか?科学者はなんと述べている。 ネイチャー(Nature)より
How do vaccinated people spread Delta? What the science says
Emerging data suggest that Delta could spread more readily than other coronavirus variants among people vaccinated against COVID-19. But key questions remain.
When early field data showed that vaccinating people cuts transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, researchers were cautiously optimistic. But they warned that many of those studies, although promising, took place before the fast-spreading Delta variant proliferated worldwide. Now, reports from various countries seem to confirm what scientists feared after the variant tore through India with alarming speed in April and May: Delta is more likely than other variants to spread through vaccinated people.
Data from COVID-19 tests in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore are showing that vaccinated people who become infected with Delta SARS-CoV-2 can carry as much virus in their nose as do unvaccinated people. This means that despite the protection offered by vaccines, a proportion of vaccinated people can pass on Delta, possibly aiding its rise.
“People who have a Delta virus and happen to have "breakthrough’ infections can carry these really high levels of virus, and can unwittingly spread the virus to others,” says David O’Connor, a virologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
「デルタ株ウイルス保有者およびたまたま“ブレイクスルー”感染した人々はまさにこれらの高濃度ウイルスのキャリアであって、知らず知らずのうちに他の人にウイルスを拡散させることになると、ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校のウイルス学者のDavid O’Connor,は述べている。
The findings underscore the importance of protective measures such as wearing masks indoors to reduce transmission. Researchers stress that COVID-19 vaccines are protective against serious illness and death, but the data on Delta transmission show that “people who are vaccinated still need to take precautions”, O’Connor says.
Testing transmissibility
O’Connor and colleagues at the Madison and Dane County health department looked at infections in Wisconsin in June and July.
The team used PCR tests, which are widely used to confirm COVID-19 infections, to estimate the concentration of virus in nasal-fluid samples. The tests detect the virus’s genetic material by amplifying DNA until it is detectable as a fluorescent signal. The number of amplification cycles needed to get a signal — a measure called the cycle threshold value or Ct — serves as a proxy for viral concentration in the sample. The lower a sample’s Ct, the more viral genetic material present.
threshold value 閾値
fluorescent signal 蛍光シグナル
cycle threshold サイクル数
In a preprint study published on medRxiv on 11 August1, the researchers compared Ct values for 719 people between 29 June and 31 July, during which 90% of the 122 coronavirus samples they sequenced were the Delta variant. Of the 311 vaccinated people who tested positive for SAR-CoV-2 in that group, most had Ct values of less than 25, a level at which researchers expect the presence of infectious SARS-CoV-2. To confirm this, the team cultured 55 samples that had Ct values less than 25, from vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and detected infectious virus in nearly every one. Most unvaccinated people also had Ct values below this level.
“The bottom line is, this can happen — it can be true that vaccinated people can spread the virus. But we do not yet know what their relative role in overall community spread is,” says co-author Thomas Friedrich, a virologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
bottom line 要するに
Data from Provincetown, Massachusetts, suggest similar findings. An August report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that following large gatherings in the beach town, nearly three-quarters of 469 new COVID-19 cases that occurred in the state were in vaccinated people2. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people had comparably low Ct values, indicating high viral loads, and of the 133 samples sequenced, 90% were identified as Delta. The findings prompted the CDC to update its guidance on 27 July and once again recommend that people in areas of high transmission wear masks indoors.
virus load ウイルス量
The Provincetown results were linked to big gatherings, but Wisconsin didn’t have similar activity, suggesting that small household gatherings could also help Delta to spread, Friedrich says.
virus load ウイルス量
Different biology
In Houston, Texas, where a Houston Methodist Hospital team has been sequencing and logging SARS-CoV-2 variants for almost every COVID-19 case in the hospital system, about 17% of Delta cases are in vaccinated people since March 2021, nearly three times the rate of breakthrough infections compared with all other variants combined.Patients with Delta SARS-CoV-2 also stayed in hospital slightly longer than did people infected with other variants. “There’s potentially a slightly different biology to the infection,” says James Musser, a molecular pathologist and director of the hospital’s Center for Molecular and Translational Human Infectious Diseases Research. His team found that Ct levels were similar in vaccinated and unvaccinated people3.
ヒューストン・メソジスト病院のチームが、病院システム内のほぼ全てのログインされたCOVID-19症例対するSARS-CoV-2変異株のDNAの塩基配列を決定し、2021年3月以降、デルタ株症例の約17%がワクチン接種者であり、他のすべての変異株を合わせた場合と比較して約3倍の割合でブレイクスルー感染が発生している。また、デルタ株SARS-CoV-2感染者は他の変異株感染者よりやや長めに入院していた。同病院の分子・トランスレーショナルヒト感染症研究センター長で分子病理学者のJames Musser氏は、「感染症に対する生物学的性質が若干異なる可能性があります」と述べている。同チームは、ワクチンを接種した人としていない人では、Ct値のレベルが同程度であることを発見しました3。
Infectious Diseases 感染症
How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread
However, vaccinated people with Delta might remain infectious for a shorter period, according to researchers in Singapore who tracked viral loads for each day of COVID-19 infection among people who had and hadn’t been vaccinated.
Delta viral loads were similar for both groups for the first week of infection, but dropped quickly after day 7 in vaccinated people4. “Given the high virus levels seen in the first week of illness with Delta, measures such as masks and hand hygiene which can reduce transmission are important for everyone, regardless of vaccination status,” says co-author Barnaby Young, an infectious-disease clinician at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases in Singapore.
シンガポールの研究者らは、ワクチンを接種した人としていない人の間でCOVID-19に感染した人の各日のウイルス量を追跡しましたところ、ワクチン接種者のデルタ株ウイルスの感染は短期間の可能性があることがわかりました。デルタ株ウイルス量は、感染後1週間は両グループとも同程度でしたが、ワクチンを接種者では7日目以降に急速に低下しました4。共同執筆者であるシンガポール国立感染症センターの感染症臨床医Barnaby Young氏は、「デルタ感染の最初の1週間で高ウイルス量が見られたことを考えると、ワクチン接種の有無にかかわらず、感染を減らすことができるマスクや手指衛生などの対策がすべての人にとって重要です」と述べています。
One massive analysis of Delta transmission comes from the UK REACT-1 programme, led by a team at Imperial College London, which tests more than 100,000 UK volunteers every few weeks. The team ran Ct analyses for samples received in May, June and July, when Delta was rapidly replacing other variants to become the dominant driver of COVID-19 in the country.The results suggested that among people testing positive, those who had been vaccinated had a lower viral load on average than did unvaccinated people.
Paul Elliott, an epidemiologist at Imperial, says that these results differ from other Ct studies because this study sampled the population at random and included people who tested positive without showing symptoms.
REACT-:Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) Study
These findings — along with an increase in cases in younger people who have not yet received both jabs — underscore the effectiveness of double vaccination against Delta, Elliott says. “We think it’s really, really important to get as many people double vaccinated, and particularly those younger groups, as soon as possible.”
What is the REACT study?
REACT (REal-time Assessment of Community Transmission) is a series of studies that are using home testing to improve our understanding of how the COVID-19 pandemic is progressing across England. This major research programme was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and is being carried out by Imperial College London in partnership with Ipsos MORI and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Here’s our announcement from when the study first launched in April 2020.
コミュニティー感染のリアルタイム評価(REACT)研究とは、COVID-19パンデミックがイングランド全土でどのように進行しているかについての理解を深めるために、家庭用検査キットを利用した一連の研究のことです。この大規模研究プログラムは、英国保健社会福祉省(DHSC)の委託を受け、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンがIpsos MORI社およびインペリアル・カレッジ・ヘルスケアNHSトラストと共同で実施しています。ここでは、2020年4月に研究が初めて開始されたときの発表をご紹介します。
REACT takes two main approaches to track the virus in the population, looking for both current and past infection.
How REACT 1 and REACT 2 work
REACT 1: Antigen (swab) testing for the coronavirus
REACT 1:コロナウイルスの抗原(綿棒)検査
Each month over 150,000 people across England are randomly sent a nose/throat swab test to take at home. This helps us understand how many people are currently infected with the coronavirus, including those who aren’t showing symptoms, and identify those who are most at risk.
REACT 2: Antibody (lateral flow) testing
Roughly every 6 weeks, over 100,000 volunteers across England are sent a fingerprick antibody testing kit, called a lateral flow test, which looks for coronavirus antibodies in the blood. This helps us understand how many people have already had COVID-19 and developed antibodies against the virus.
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