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January 29, 2022

新型コロナウイルス感染症-19と5Gを含む無線通信からの 無線周波放射暴露との関連証拠PUBMEDより

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G



radiofrequency radiation 無線周波放射

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored.


In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimeter waves.


SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in Wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks.


In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may:


(1)cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation;


morphologic changes 形態変化
erythrocytes 赤血球
echinocyte  ウニ状赤血球
rouleaux 連銭形成
hypercoagulation 凝固能亢進

(2)impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia;


microcirculation 微小循環
Hypoxia 低酸素症

(3)amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation;


immune system dysfunction 免疫系の機能不全
immunosuppression, 免疫抑制
autoimmunity 自己免疫
hyperinflammation 過剰炎症

(4)increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage;


(5)increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and


pro-inflammatory炎症誘発 -

(6)worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.


Relevance for patients: In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.


Keywords: COVID-19; Coronavirus; coronavirus 2; coronavirus disease-19; electromagnetic fields; electromagnetic stress; environmental factor; microwave; millimeter wave; pandemic; public health; radio frequency; radiofrequency; severe acute respiratory syndrome; wireless.

キーワード: 新型コロナウイルス感染症COVID-19、コロナウイルス、コロナウイル2、コロナウイルス病19、電磁場、電磁ストレス、環境要因、電子レンジ、ミリ波、パンデミック、



January 26, 2022

結論(天空の出来事:太陽黒点極小期)と(地上の出来事:新型コロナウイルス感染症)は相互に関連 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)について太陽の黒点は何をささやいている?より

What sunspots are whispering about covid-19?


新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)について太陽の黒点は何をささやいている?


Published online 2021 Jan 7.

Concluding remark


Scientific progress has greatly expanded the ability of humankind to cause large-scale changes in the environment. Unfortunately, we do not always understand the subtle feedback loops that operate in the biosphere to predict all consequences of such changes. An amusing example of the unexpected outcome of a large-scale human intervention in nature is provided in [36].


For unknown reasons, fish in the Gulf of Mexico position themselves over buried oil pipelines off the shore of Texas, orienting themselves directly above the buried pipeline at a height of 1?3 m above the seabed and perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline. Presumably they are responding to some electromagnetic stimuli, such as remnant magnetism in pipeline sections, voltage gradient induced by corrosion protection devices, or transient signals induced into the pipeline by remote lightnings or solar wind induced magnetic storms [36].

理由は不明ですが、メキシコ湾の魚はテキサス沖の埋設石油パイプラインの上に位置し、海底から1〜3mの高さでパイプラインの軸に垂直に真上に方向を向いている。おそらく、パイプラインの残留磁気、腐食防止装置による電圧勾配、遠隔地の雷や太陽風による磁気嵐によってパイプラインに誘導される過渡信号など、何らかの電磁的刺激に反応しているのだろう [36]。

perpendicular 垂直
electromagnetic stimuli 磁気刺激
remnant magnetism 残留磁気
voltage gradient 電圧勾配
corrosion protection 腐食防止
transient signals 過渡信号
solar wind:太陽風
太陽風(たいようふう、英: solar wind)は、太陽から吹き出す極めて高温で電離した粒子(プラズマ)のことである。
magnetic storms 磁気嵐

The research of biological effects was intensified at about 1967 as part of an evaluation of the environmental impact of a proposed ELF military antenna (Project Sanguine) [37]. Unfortunately, the presence of military and commercial components in this research makes it politically very sensitive [27]. Nonetheless, in light of the results so far available, it would be too irresponsible to dismiss such effects as being implausible [32].


Project Sanguineプロジェクトサングイン
Project Sanguineは、1968年に極低周波(ELF)電波を使用して潜水艦と通信するために提案された米国海軍のプロジェクトでした。

On the practical side, if ELF fields cause biological effects, whatever the unknown mechanism of this interaction, we can try to use these effects in our fight against SARS-CoV-2 and similar infections. It is known that bioelectric signals generated by the metabolic activity of cells are in an ELF range, therefore by interfering with these signals by external low intensity ELF electromagnetic fields we can suppress microbial or bacterial activities [38], [39], [40].

実用面では、もし超低周波ELF磁場が生物学的影響を引き起こすなら、この相互作用の未知のメカニズムが何であれ、我々は新型コロナウイルスSARS-CoV-2と同様の感染症に対する戦いでこの効果を利用しようとすることができる。細胞の代謝活動によって生成される生体電気信号は超低周波ELF帯にあることが知られており、したがって、外部からの低強度のELF電磁場によってこれらの信号を妨害することによって、微生物や細菌の活動を抑制することができる[38], [39], [40]。

We believe that under the burden of the Covid-19 pandemic, research in this direction should be intensified. Studies of the antimicrobial effects of ELF electromagnetic fields are not expected to be too expensive. If successful, it promises a non-invasive, inexpensive, safe and fast technique to fight infections [39], [40].

新型コロナウイルス感染症Covid-19の負担の下、この方向での研究を強化すべきと考える。ELF電磁場の抗菌作用の研究は、それほど高価なものではないと思われます。成功すれば、非侵襲的で安価、安全かつ迅速な感染症対策の技術になることが期待される[39], [40].

Is Covid-19 pandemic related to the deepest sunspot minimum for a century we are experiencing now? During sunspot minimum solar magnetic field gets weaker and, as a result, galactic cosmic rays flux entering the earth increases. There are some indications that an increase in the flux of cosmic rays can lead to an increase in lightning activity on earth [41], [42] and thus change the natural ELF electromagnetic background. As noted in [27], changing the electromagnetic background poses a twofold challenge to us: weakening the immune system due to constant stress and more severe illnesses, since electromagnetic fields can stimulate bacterial growth and increase their resistance to antibiotics.

新型コロナウイルス感染症Covid-19のパンデミックは、私たちが今経験している100年来の最も計り知れない太陽黒点極小期 と関係があるのでしょうか? 太陽黒点極小期には太陽磁場が弱くなり、その結果、地球に侵入する銀河宇宙線流束が増加する。宇宙線流束の増加は、地球上の雷活動の増加 [41], [42]につながり、自然のELF電磁波背景を変化させるという指摘がある。「27]で述べたように,電磁波の背景を変えることは,私たちに2つの課題を突きつける。すなわち,電磁波は細菌の増殖を刺激し,抗生物質に対する耐性を高めることになるので,絶え間ないストレスによる免疫システムの弱体化と病気の重篤化である。

sunspot minimum 太陽黒点極小期
galactic cosmic rays 銀河宇宙線

Increased cosmic rays can lead also to appearance of novel virion strains due to induced mutation and genetic recombination events [9], [54], especially if viruses spread even beyond the tropopause (new bacteria have been found in the stratosphere and even on the exterior of the International Space Station, orbiting at a altitude of 400 km) [54].


Virion ビリオン
ビリオン (ヴィリオン、英: virion) は、細胞外におけるウイルス (virus)の状態であり、完全な粒子構造を持ち、感染性を有するウイルス粒子のことをいう。
induced mutation:誘発突然変異(放射線照射や変異原物質を投与をすることで生じる突然変異。)
genetic recombination events 遺伝子組み換え事象
tropopause 対流圏界面
stratosphere 成層圏

Interestingly, the idea that the flux of galactic cosmic rays can affect the ELF electromagnetic background can be tested using the Forbush effect [43]. During solar flares, the flux of galactic cosmic rays decreases rapidly (over a day or less) due to modification of the near-Earth interplanetary magnetic field. This so-called Forbush decrease is transient and is followed by a gradual recovery over several days [44], [45], [46].


Forbush decreaseフォーブッシュ減少
Forbush decrease》地球に降り注ぐ宇宙線の強度が太陽活動による磁気嵐が発生したときに減少すること。フレアで放出された荷電粒子が宇宙線を遮るためと考えられている。コトバより
near-earth 地球近傍
interplanetary magnetic field. 惑星間磁場

Based on the measurements in the Kola peninsula, it was demonstrated that in all ten events of significant Forbush-decreases, the intensity of the ELF-atmospherics decreased (down to their complete disappearance) [43]. It was hypothesized that this phenomenon is caused by a decrease in the intensity of discharges of a special type (sprites and jets) as a result of a decrease in atmospheric ionization at altitudes of 10?30 km during the Forbush decrease in the flux of galactic cosmic rays [43].


Kola peninsulaコラ半島、ロシア
atmospheric ionization 大気イオン化




Cosmic ray forcing of the climate acts simultaneously and with the same sign throughout the entire globe and operates on all time scales from days to hundreds of millions of years [47]. For this reason, even a relatively small forcing can lead to a large climatic response over time [47]. To unravel the anthropogenic contribution to the current climate change and assess its danger, which is now the subject of much public concern and controversy, we need to understand physical mechanisms underlying the influence of solar and cosmic ray variability on climate and their impact on the biosphere.


anthropogenic 人類の起源と進化の研究の、または、人類の起源と進化の研究に関する
biosphere. 生物圏

It has recently been shown that bats, like many other animals with highly developed magnetosensory skills, use magnetic field for orientation and can sense even very weak magnetic fields [48], [49], [50]. Perhaps, this magnetoreception is influenced by ELF electromagnetic background [51], [52]. Another source of possible influence is the change in cloudiness due to the increased flux of galactic cosmic rays, as bats have been shown to calibrate their magnetic compasses with sunset cues [53].

最近、高度に発達した磁気感覚能力有する他の多くの動物と同様に、コウモリも方向感覚に磁場を利用し、非常に弱い磁場でも感知できることが明らかになった[48], [49], [50].おそらく、この磁気知覚はELF電磁波背景に影響されている[51], [52]。また,コウモリが日没を手がかりに磁気コンパスを調整することが示されているように,銀河宇宙線流速の増加による曇りの変化も影響源として考えられる [53].

Magnetosensory 磁気感覚

銀河宇宙線がもたらす雲の日傘効果 神戸大学が気候への影響を示す証拠を発見


So, one can imagine the following scenario1. Changes in the ELF electromagnetic background, caused by the increased flux of cosmic rays due to unusually deep sunspot minimum, can cause abnormal movements of the population of bats and affect the time of their arrival and departure. Delayed arrival or departure and longer travel times can increase the population of bats in some areas, thereby increasing competition for limited food supplies, and can also increase the likelihood of interspecies transmission of the virus. Besides, increased level of irradiation increases genetic recombination rates, as was demonstrated in laboratories during the 1950s and 1960s [6]. Finally, under the influence of these circumstances, the new coronavirus successfully recombined and caused the Covid-19 pandemic.

そこで、次のようなシナリオが想像される1 。異常に深い太陽黒点極小期による宇宙線流束の増加によって引き起こされた超低周波ELF電磁波背景の変化は、コウモリ個体数の

interspecies transmission 種間感染

We end this article with a funny observation from [54]. The Italian word influencia means influence, meaning the influence of the stars in the case of influenza illness. This etiology reflects the belief of our ancestors that events in the sky and events on Earth are interconnected. It may well be that they were right.





国立天文台 太陽観測科学プロジェクト 三鷹太陽地上観測


太陽活動第24周期は、2008年12月から2019年12月までの11年間継続し、継続期間は平均的な長さでした。一方で活動度は低調で、三鷹での1929年以降の観測では黒点相対数の極大が最も小さく、世界中の観測を集計したSILSOの記録でも108年ぶりに低い極大となった周期でした。 太陽活動第24周期は、2008年12月から2019年12月までの11年間継続し、継続期間は平均的な長さでした。一方で活動度は低調で、三鷹での1929年以降の観測では黒点相対数の極大が最も小さく、世界中の観測を集計したSILSOの記録でも108年ぶりに低い極大となった周期でした。2019年12月の極小値も前回を下回り、三鷹での観測では黒点相対数が過去最低となっています。


January 15, 2022

“低周波電磁場の生体影響”太陽の黒点と新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)より

What sunspots are whispering about covid-19?


新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)について太陽の黒点は何をささやいている?


Published online 2021 Jan 7.


Published online 2021 Jan 7.

Biological effects of ELF electromagnetic fields


Modern life is not conceived without electricity with its power lines and appliances, without telecommunication devices. A byproduct of this technical revolution is an ever-growing number of sources of artificial electromagnetic fields, both in ELF and radio frequency range, and this circumstance, as already mentioned, elicits public health concerns [15].


power lines 送電線
radio-frequency range 無線周波数帯域

The scope of interactions of electromagnetic fields (EMF) with living matter is rich and diverse, requiring simultaneously an unbiased, open-minded, careful and cautious approach when studying the influence of EMF on biological processes.


Electromagnetic Field, EMF :電磁場EMF

Despite a large body of literature devoted to biological effects of ELF magnetic fields (in contrast to ELF electric fields, magnetic fields easily can penetrate biological tissues), no coherent picture has emerged so far regarding the plausibility of such effects, or regarding the interaction mechanisms.


ELF magnetic fields 超低周波磁場

Epidemiological studies that have focused on the potential health hazards of EMFs are largely controversial. About half of the studies found such effects, but the other half failed to find them [19]. The reason for these conflicting results is unclear.

電磁場EMFの潜在的な健康被害に焦点を当てた疫学的研究は、主に議論の余地があります。研究の約半分はそのような効果を発見したが、残りの半分はそれらを見つけることができませんでした [19].これらの矛盾する結果の理由は不明です。

Nonetheless, ample and compelling evidence had been accumulated indicating that ELF electromagnetic fields has important effects on cell functioning [20], [21], [22], [23], [17], [24], [25]. The nature of these effects is not entirely clear. The problem is that such effects are observed for very weak magnetic fields, so weak that any such effect is expected to be masked by thermal noise [26].

それにもかかわらず、超低周波ELF電磁場が細胞機能に重要な影響を及ぼすことを示す十分かつ説得力のある証拠が蓄積されていた [20], [21], [22], [23], [17], [24], [25]. これらの効果の性質は完全には明らかにされていない。問題は、このような効果が非常に弱い磁場に対して観測されることであり、そのような効果は熱雑音によって隠されてと予想されるほど弱いのである[26]。

compelling evidence:説得力のある証拠
very weak magnetic fields 微弱磁場
thermal noise 熱雑音

熱雑音(ねつざつおん、英: thermal noise)は、抵抗体内の自由電子の不規則な熱振動(ブラウン運動[1])によって生じる雑音のことをいう。ウィキペディアより

Perhaps, the extreme sensitivity of living organisms to weak electromagnetic fields is not completely unexpected from the point of view of evolutionary biology,
since life arose and evolved on Earth with the constant presence of natural ELF electromagnetic fields, especially Schumann resonances [27], [28].

おそらく、自然な超低周波ELF電磁場、特にシューマン共振が常時存在する地球上に生命が誕生して、進化したのだから、弱電磁場に対する生物の極端な感受性は進化生物学の観点から完全に予期しなかったわけではない[27], [28]。

Remarkably, there is a striking similarity between natural ELF signals and human brain electroencephalograms [29]. Amazingly, many species exhibit, irrespective of the size and complexity of their brain, essentially similar lowfrequency electrical activity [30], and it is possible that the dominant frequencies of brain waves may be an evolutionary result of the presence and influence of the resonant ELF electromagnetic background of Schumann [31].


electroencephalogram 脳波
lowfrequency 低周波

An interesting hypothesis is that ELF background fields played an important role in the evolution of biological systems and are used by them as a means of stochastic synchronization for various biorhythms [28]. The Schumann resonance frequencies are mainly controlled by the Earth’s radius, which has remained constant over billions of years. Therefore, these frequencies can play a special role for the regulatory pathways of living organisms, the Schumann resonances providing a synchronization reference signal, a Zeitgeber (time giver) [12].


background field 背景磁場
stochastic synchronization確率共振

確率共鳴(かくりつきょうめい、英語: Stochastic Resonance)とは、信号に雑音(ノイズ)を加えることで、ある確率の下で、信号が強まり、反応が向上する現象。確率共振(かくりつきょうしん)と訳されることもある。

Earth’s radius 地球半径
地球半径(ちきゅうはんけい、英: Earth radius)とは、天文学において地球の赤道における半径を長さの単位として用いる場合の数値である。ウィキペディアより

Zeitgeber 同調因子 (生体の固有リズムを外界に合わせる光などの)

This hypothesis, while attractive, has a serious drawback: it remains a mystery how living cells can detect a Schumann resonance signal that is so weak (the magnetic component is only several pT) compared to the ubiquitous thermal noise.


Ubiquitous :ユビキタス(いたるところに存在する(遍在)という意味)

The clue maybe is provided by spatially and temporally coherent interactions of Schumann resonances with a large ensemble of components of the system [32]. For example, the human body contains about 1014 cells and 1010 cortical neurons.


cortical neuron皮質ニューロン

If the ELF electromagnetic fields, and in particular the Schumann resonances, really play a regulatory role in biological processes, then the effect of solar activity on living organisms will not look so mysterious, since solar activity changes the geomagnetic field and can lead to geomagnetic storms, as well as to changes in the parameters of the ionosphere, and, consequently, to a change in the parameters of Schumann resonances and ELF radiation background.


geomagnetic field 地球磁場
geomagnetic storm磁気嵐

There are some indications that abrupt changes in geomagnetic and solar activity, as well as geomagnetic storms, can act as stressors that alter the regulatory processes of organisms, blood pressure, immune, neurological, cardiac and some other important life-supporting processes in living organisms [33].

There are studies that indicate that geomagnetic disturbances can exacerbate existing diseases, can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease, a significant increase in hospitalization rates for mental disorders, depression, suicide attempts, homicide and traffic accidents (see [33] and references therein).


geomagnetic activity 地磁気活動
geomagnetic disturbances :地磁気擾乱.

There are several hypotheses that could explain this strange connection between solar activity and geomagnetic disturbances and mental health.According to the visceral theory of sleep [34], the same cortical neurons that process exteroceptive information in the waking state switch to processing information from various internal organs during sleep. At the same time, a violation of the switching process, when visceral information is mistakenly interpreted by the brain as exteroceptive, can manifest itself as a mental disorder [35].If these hypotheses are correct, and if geomagnetic disturbances can influence the brain’s switching mechanisms, then the unexpected link between solar activity and mental disorders could be explained.

太陽活動や地磁気擾乱.とメンタルヘルスとの間にこの奇妙な関係を説明しうる仮説はいくつかある。睡眠の内臓理論 [34] によれば、覚醒状態で外受容情報を処理するのと同じ皮質ニューロンが、睡眠中に様々な内臓からの情報処理に切り替わる。同時に、内臓情報が外受容情報として間違って脳によって判断されると、スイッチング過程の妨害は精神障害として現れることもある[35]。これらの仮説が正しく、地磁気擾乱が脳のスイッチング機構に影響を与えるとすれば、太陽活動と精神障害との間の予期せぬ関連性を説明することができるだろう。

geomagnetic disturbances 地磁気じょう乱
cortical neuron 皮質ニューロン
exteroceptive 外受容の
visceral theory  内臓理論



「協調と制御」領域 山本 義春 要旨

本研究では、ヒト脳における「確率共振」現象を利用した脳機能活性化、具体的には、 主として視覚認知機能と循環制御機能の向上について検討した。確率共振とは、非線形 システムへのごく微弱な入力に対する信号検出力が適度な強度のノイズ存在下で向上す るというものである。ステレオスコープを用いて一方の眼に信号を、もう一方の眼にノ イズをそれぞれ分離入力した結果、ある程度のノイズ存在下で視覚認知能力が最大とな り、視覚-運動関連対および視覚関連対の位相同期度の向上も脳波において観察された。 また、経皮的な前庭電気刺激によるノイズ印加によって健常成人の起立刺激に対する心 拍数の応答および、自律神経疾患、パーキンソン病患者に対する心拍数、体動応答性の 改善がみられた。




January 07, 2022

太陽の黒点と新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)

What sunspots are whispering about covid-19?


新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)について太陽の黒点は何をささやいている?


Published online 2021 Jan 7.



Several studies point to the antimicrobial effects of ELF electromagnetic fields. Such fields have accompanied life from the very beginning, and it is possible that they played a significant role in its emergence and evolution. However, the literature on the biological effects of ELF electromagnetic fields is controversial, and we still lack an understanding of the complex mechanisms that make such effects, observed in many experiments, possible. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how fragile we are in the face of powerful processes operating in the biosphere. We believe that understanding the role of ELF electromagnetic fields in regulating the biosphere is important in our fight against Covid-19, and research in this direction should be intensified.

いくつかの研究は超低周波(ELF)電磁場の抗菌効果を指摘している。このような電磁場は最初から生命に伴っていて、その出現と進化に重要な役割を果たした可能性がある。しかし、ELF電磁場の生物学的効果に関する文献には賛否両論があり、多くの実験で観察されるこのような効果を可能にしている複雑なメカニズムについては、まだ理解が不足しているのが現状です。新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)のパンデミックは、生物圏で働く強力なプロセスの前では、人間がいかにもろい存在であるかを示している。生物圏の調節におけるELF電磁場の役割を理解することは、新型コロナウイルス感染症との闘いにおいて重要であり、この方向での研究を強化すべきであると考えている。

ELF(extremely low frequency, 3Hz–300Hz):超低周波ELF
Electromagnetic Field, EMF:電磁場EMF
antimicrobial effects 抗菌作用

biosphere 生物圏
生物圏(せいぶつけん、英: biosphere)とは、生物が存在する領域のことで、一般的には、生物が存在するその領域全体および含まれる構成要素(生物・非生物)の相互作用の総体を指す。より狭義の意味に用いて、その空間に含まれる生物(生物相・生物量・生物群集)のみを指すこともある。ウィキペディアより

Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Biological effects of ELF electromagnetic fields, Schumann resonances

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)のパンデミック、ELF電磁場の抗菌効果、シューマン共振



The covid-2019 pandemic is an extraordinary event in the history of our civilization. Billions of people have never been restricted in their homes before.

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID 19)のパンデミックは、私たちの文明の歴史の中で異常な出来事です。何十億人もの人々が以前自宅に制限されたことがありません。

Self-isolation is conducive to esoteric reflection, and we begun to ruminate about Gaia.


Esoteric 深遠な、秘儀の
Reflection 内省
Gaia ガイア(地球全体)

Life on earth, once arisen, never completely disappeared, although it survived at least five major extinctions. Isn’t that a small (or big) miracle?


Gaia hypothesis suggests that Nature’s mercy is neither an accident nor a benevolent deity’s work, but instead is the inevitable result of interactions between organisms and their environment [1]. In poetic terms, the Earth with its ecosystem is a gigantic organism that harmonizes itself with the help of many invisible feedbacks.


Gaia hypothesis ガイア仮説
ガイア理論またはガイア仮説とは、生物は地球と相互に関係し合い、自身の生存に適した環境を維持するための自己制御システムを作り上げているとする仮説。また、そのシステムをある種の「巨大な生命体」と見なす仮説である。 ウィキペディアより

Nature’s mercy 自然がなすがまま
deity’s work, 神の仕事

organism 生命体


Unfortunately, human activity causes environmental degradation, which in its destructive effect on the ecosystem rapidly approaches the level of the asteroid impact that end the dinosaur era.


asteroid impact 小惑星衝突

We better stop the destabilization of Gaia, because otherwise either we succeed in this reckless enterprise and destroy the ecosystem and our own existence, or Gaia recognizes our malicious character and invisible feedbacks eliminate us, as a destabilizing element. However, in order to harmonize with Gaia, we must improve our understanding of these invisible feedbacks.


Solar activity and pandemics


At first glance (and at the second too) there can be no connection between pandemics and solar activity. However, this is exactly what Alexander Chizhevsky discovered [2] many years ago.


solar activity. 太陽活動
Alexander Chizhevskyアレクサンドル・チジェフスキー
「地球上のあらゆる生物の発達は太陽宇宙因子の直接的影響下に進んだものであり、人類もその例外ではない」 - アレクサンドル・チジェフスキー ( 1897 - 1964年)

Independently, Hope-Simpson observed the same correlation between influenza pandemics and sunspot maximums [3]. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe confirmed these findings [4] indicating that the two phenomena have kept in step over some 17 solar cycles.


Interestingly, the previous two Corona virus epidemics, the severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-CoV and the Middle-East respiratory syndrome MERS-CoV both occurred at double peaks in the sunspot cycle [5].


double peaks 二重ピーク
sunspot cycle太陽黒点周期

A more general result states that most pandemics in the past occurred near the sunspot extrema (maxima or minima) [6], [7]. In a sense, the present covid-19 pandemic was predicted based on this idea [8], [9].

より一般的な結果として,過去のパンデミックの多くは,太陽黒点の極大値(最大値または最小値)付近で発生している[6], [7].いわば、今回の新型コロナウイルス感染症covid-19のパンデミックは、この考えに基づいて予測されたものである[8], [9]。

Of course, such an outlandish idea should be taken with a grain of salt, and not everybody believes in it [10]. However, we think this strange idea cannot be dismissed easily. The correlation in the data is so obvious that different people have noticed it. We already mentioned Chizhevsky and Hope-Simpson. It seems that the first person who linked the sunspot cycle to the malaria epidemics, as early as in 1881, was C. Meldrum [11]. In 1936, Gill noted that the association of malaria epidemics with the epochs of maximum and minimum of sunspots is extremely close [11].

もちろん、このような突飛な考えは疑ってかかるべきで、誰もがそれを信じるわけではないです。[10]。しかし、私たちは、この突飛な考えを簡単に片づけることはできないと思う。データ上の相関は非常に明白であり、様々な人々がそれに気づいている。我々はすでにチジェフスキーとホープ・シンプソンについて言及した。1881年という早い時期に、太陽黒点周期とマラリアの流行を結びつけた最初の人は、C. メルドラムだったようだ[11]。1936年にはギルが、マラリアの流行と黒点の最大・最小のエポックとの関連性が極めて高いことを指摘している[11]。

Solar activity can affect biological organisms in various ways. Of particular interest is the influence mediated by geomagnetic and extra-low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields [12], [13].

太陽活動は生物に様々な影響を与える。特に興味深いのは、地磁気や超低周波(ELF)電磁場を介した影響である [12], [13]。

Geomagnetic  地磁気
extra-low-frequency  超低周波
geomagnetic 地磁気の.

The Schumann resonance with base frequency of about 8 Hz is a global electromagnetic resonance excited by natural lightning activity within the Earth-ionosphere waveguide [14]. Life evolved on Earth under the constant presence of Schumann resonances, and thus, we cannot exclude that ELF electromagnetic fields played a role in biological evolution.


Schumann resonance シューマン共振
earth-ionosphere waveguide VLF帯大地-電離圏導波管伝搬
lightning activity 雷活動

Human activity has become a source of widespread electromagnetic pollution, which raises concerns about the possible dangerous health effects [15]. Although studies on the possible biological effects of ELF and other artificial electromagnetic fields remain largely controversial, there is a growing evidence that ELF fields cause numerous types of changes in cells [16], [17], [18].

人間の活動は広範な電磁波汚染の原因となっており、危険な健康影響の可能性が懸念されている[15]。超低周波ELFやその他の人工的電磁場の可能な生物学的効果に関する研究は、依然として大きな議論を呼んでいるが、超低周波ELF場が細胞に多くの種類の変化を引き起こすという証拠が増えている[16], [17], [18].

electromagnetic pollution  電磁気的汚染


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