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June 28, 2022


Essential Oils and Their Constituents Targeting the GABAergic System and Sodium Channels as Treatment of Neurological Diseases




Essential oils and the constituents in them exhibit different pharmacological activities, such as antinociceptive, anxiolytic-like, and anticonvulsant effects. They are widely applied as a complementary therapy for people with anxiety, insomnia, convulsion, pain, and cognitive deficit symptoms through inhalation, oral administration, and aromatherapy. Recent studies show that essential oils are emerging as a promising source for modulation of the GABAergic system and sodium ion channels.


antinociceptive action 抗侵害受容作用
Nociceptive pain(侵害受容性疼痛): 侵害刺激や炎症によって活性化された発痛物質が侵害受容器を活性化することによって引き起こされる痛み
Anxiolytic-like effect抗不安様作用
anticonvulsant effects. 抗けいれん作用
cognitive deficit. 認知障害
GABAergic system GABA作動性システム
sodium ion channels. ナトリウムチャネル

This review summarizes the recent findings regarding the pharmacological properties of essential oils and compounds from the oils and the mechanisms underlying their effects. Specifically, the review focuses on the essential oils and their constituents targeting the GABAergic system and sodium channels, and their antinociceptive, anxiolytic, and anticonvulsant properties. Some constituents target transient receptor potential (TRP) channels to exert analgesic effects. Some components could interact with multiple therapeutic target proteins, for example, inhibit the function of sodium channels and, at the same time, activate GABAA receptors. The review concentrates on perspective compounds that could be better candidates for new drug development in the control of pain and anxiety syndromes.


Keywords: essential oils, terpenes, GABA receptor, sodium channel, transient receptor potential (TRP) channel, pain, epilepsy, analgesics, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, antinociception, CNS, sensory neurons



GABA Receptor





Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that functions as the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter for the central nervous system (CNS). It functions to reduce neuronal excitability by inhibiting nerve transmission. GABAergic neurons are located when the hippocampus, thalamus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus, and brainstem. The balance between inhibitory neuronal transmission via GABA and excitatory neuronal transmission via glutamate is essential for proper cell membrane stability and neurologic function.


Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) : ガンマアミノ酪酸(GABA


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