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July 15, 2022



Women temporarily synchronize their menstrual cycles with the luminance and gravimetric cycles of the Moon






Many species synchronize reproductive behavior with a particular phase of the lunar cycle to increase reproductive success. In humans, a lunar influence on reproductive behavior remains controversial, although the human menstrual cycle has a period close to that of the lunar cycle. Here, we analyzed long-term menstrual recordings of individual women with distinct methods for biological rhythm analysis. We show that women’s menstrual cycles with a period longer than 27 days were intermittently synchronous with the Moon’s luminance and/or gravimetric cycles. With age and upon exposure to artificial nocturnal light, menstrual cycles shortened and lost this synchrony. We hypothesize that in ancient times, human reproductive behavior was synchronous with the Moon but that our modern lifestyles have changed reproductive physiology and behavior.





In many marine species (1–5) and some terrestrial species (6–9), reproductive behavior is synchronized with a particular phase of the lunar cycle (often full or new moon). This arrangement increases reproductive success by synchronizing the reproductive behavior of the individual members of a species. In light of this fact, it is of interest that the human menstrual cycle has a period close to that of the lunar cycle and that several older studies report a relation between the cycles. Women whose cycles approach the ~29.5-day period of the Moon have been reported to have the highest likelihood to become pregnant (10–12).


marine species 海洋生物種
terrestrial species 陸上生物種

In these studies, about 28% of reproductively mature women showed a cycle length of 29.5 ± 1 days. Among populations of women selected for a cycle length of 29.5 ± 1 days, a significant pattern of menses onset at full moon emerged (13–15). Each of these studies comprised >300 women, and the tests were performed in different years and seasons. However, no correlation between menses onset and the lunar cycle was found in other studies that did not select for a cycle length of 29.5 days [reviewed in (13, 14)].

これらの研究では、生殖可能な成熟した女性の約28%が29.5±1日の周期長を示した。周期の長さが29.5±1日になるように選択された女性集団の中で、満月に月経が始まるという有意なパターンが出現した(13-15)。これらの研究はそれぞれ300人以上の女性を対象とし、試験は異なる年、季節に実施された。しかし、月経の開始と月の周期との相関は、29.5日の周期を選択しなかった他の研究では認められなかった[(13, 14)に総説あり]。

Significant correlations also appear to exist between birth rate and moon phase. Two systematic large longitudinal studies carried out between 1948 and 1957 and between 1961 and 1963 and encompassing around 250,000 and 500,000 births, respectively, found that birth rates were elevated by 2 to 3% over the average at full moon and reduced by the same amount during new moon (16, 17). More recent findings indicate that the elevation of births at the full moon occurs during the night, whereas births at the new moon tend to occur during the daytime (18). Nevertheless, the scientific community generally remains skeptical of reports of lunar influence on human biology (19).

出生率と月の満ち欠けの間にも有意な相関があるようである。1948年から1957年、1961年から1963年にかけて行われ、それぞれ約25万人と50万人の出生を対象とした2つの系統的な大規模縦断研究では、満月のときに出生率が平均より2〜3%上昇し、新月のときに同程度減少することがわかった(16, 17)。より最近の知見では、満月の出産率の上昇は夜間に起こり、新月の出産は日中に起こる傾向があることが示されている(18)。しかしながら、科学界は一般に、月の影響が人間の生物学に及ぼす影響についての報告には懐疑的である(19)。


« 優勢なオミクロン派生型(BA.4とBA.5)、ワクチン、抗体治療を回避するのに優れています。Science dailyより | Main | 一般的なイボ(尋常性疣贅)のための外用サンダルウッドおよびティートリー精油の治療文献PUBMEDより »